star: smells like change

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Sitting with his head back against DK's couch in his rather dingy garage, Mingyu watched the time tick by so fucking slowly.

He woke up at God knows what hour to Satine clanging around in the kitchen, then in the bathroom, and then in his room trying to get ready for her first day. She looked pretty chilled out for somebody about to work for some arrogant rich dude who was only successful because of daddy's money. They're always the worst.

Satine spent the weekend sifting through different thrift stores, trying to find something remotely good enough for her first week. Mingyu thought she looked good in everything, but she didn't seem to agree. Two hours after running laps of the final store, she ended up with three black dresses that all looked the same to him.

In the end, he treated her to an extra couple of shirts as well - wanting something more to show for his time and money.

Eight hours without her and he was beyond desperate for her to come home. He had bitten his nails down below the quick, his foot wouldn't stop tapping, and his eyes were burning from flickering between the analogue clock and the faulty digital on DK's coffee table.

"You look fucking ugly," Wonwoo blurted out, mimicking Mingyu's gormless expression. He remixed his impression with a bottle of beer in his mouth, but frankly, it was pretty spot on.

Wonwoo never was one to keep his opinions to himself.

Mingyu's face contorted once he snapped out of his daze, burrowing Satine to the back of his mind. He couldn't get distracted, especially not today. Slowly but surely, the band had been asked to play more and more in various bars around the borough. Mingyu was pretty sure it was because their discography had widened, but the other three members couldn't help but notice the sudden influx of males flooding their shows.

There was only one reason for that many men and it had everything to do with the notorious redhead they'd adopted into their group.

Noticing his friend's slumped position, DK tossed his body over the sofa and rested his arm around Mingyu's shoulder. "You know, all you do is mope around when Satine's not here? It's kinda gross." His face was inches away from his friend's cheek, imitating an angry boar preparing to attack.

"Do not headbutt me again or I swear to-" It was too late; Mingyu was now in a wrestling match with one of the strongest people he knew. They often did this, initiating a fight to distract the other. DK was quite possibly one of the only people to bring out Mingyu's genuine smile.

Hoshi paused for a second, pressing his drum sticks into his eye sockets, wishing he had the strength to stab them through. "Will you two give it a rest? If I don't get this right, she'll annihilate me." He was talking about Satine who, although was one of the sweetest girls he'd ever met, had savage tendencies when it came to music.

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