star: he knows

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Satine knocked on the CEO's office door as the clock stoked two and, unlike everyone else, didn't wait for him to call her in. His eyebrow raised once she came sashaying into the room with his overcoat and his pair of leather gloves.

"It's cold out, did you want your scarf too?"

"No, that won't be necessary. I've lived in this city for almost twenty-seven years, I think I'm used to the weather." Mr Yoon was already out of his chair and waiting for Satine to assist him with putting on his jacket.

"But it's February, it's fucking freezing." She had forgotten she was with her boss for a second and allowed her professionalism to falter. "Oh my god," she slapped her hand over her mouth, "sorry, sir."

The way she swore with her accent was very much appealing. It almost didn't sound offensive.

"New coat?" He changed the subject, internally scolding himself for being so familiarised with her fashion tendencies. It was recently getting too cold for just Satine's blazer to suffice, so Mingyu had taken her to buy a new jacket for the winter - a style that just so happened to pique her boss' interest. He was so used to her hyper femininity, and this particular item clashed with her little dresses and low-cut blouses.

"Oh, yes." She brushed down her chunky parker jacket. It wouldn't have been her first choice, but it was practical, and Mingyu had helped pick it out.

"Chanel just brought out a wonderful line of women's coats." Mr Yoon scanned her fit, stopping longer than necessary on her pantyhose underneath her little black dress. There was something about her legs in those black heels that made his abdomen tense up.

"Bold of you to assume I can afford one of those," Satine said, pressing her lips together into an obnoxious smile that he loved. "I'll buy one of those along with a pair of three-thousand-dollar Jimmy Choos."

Mr Yoon nodded respectfully, enjoying her sarcasm. "Shall we go?"

Reaching to open the door but being beaten to the job, Satine jumped back. His chivalry never faltered.

"After you."

Again, those butterflies were a very bad sign.


They pulled up outside a small glass building decorated with moss and vines, and tiny jewelled lanterns hanging along the restaurant front. The metallic gold script reading L'Opus au Chateau, illuminated the water droplets on the sidewalk that were constantly being refreshed by the colossal fountain. It was mesmeric and oddly comforting for Satine as she opened the car door for her boss.

"Careful, sir, there's a puddle."

Mr Yoon cringed at her formalities. "Please, call me Jeonghan outside of work." He paused and laughed at her stunned reaction. "Is there something wrong with that?"

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