star: belle of the ball - part 1

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Satine had attended a bunch of galas before, but never in her life had she planned one.

Amongst the heartbreak and the inevitable drama that entangles itself within a young girl's life, Satine found peace in the pleasures of organisation. Fabrics, silverware, incredible ballgowns, it was all she allowed herself to think about over the past week. She needed something time-consuming to help her cope with the misery Mingyu had subjected her to.

She had Jeonghan of course, who definitely made the chore of breathing just that slightest bit easier. He looked after her in ways no one ever had before - not even Diana. She only wished he had the power to truly save her, but as their relationship developed, so did the need to separate him entirely from her future endeavours.

Only because she cared.

After all, Satine Fontaine was not the type of girl you end up with, not if you have any sense.

Waltzing around the suite Jeonghan had booked out for them both, Satine landed in front of the mirror, appreciating herself and how everything was slowly coming together.

Her hair was styled to perfection, deep waves clipped at the side with a diamond pin. Her makeup, flawless. She was sculpted like fine art with the richest most glossy red lips symbolising everything but purity.

This was the life she was expecting when coming to New York. Luxury, wealth and happiness. Pure unadulterated happiness.

In the back of her mind, she knew she wasn't going to be able to continue living so comfortably if she stayed with Mingyu. There was no ignoring the fact that he was even more broken than before and well past the point of a mental breakdown. He was depressed and alone with no job and no financial support. Oh, how the tables had turned.

A part of Satine was relishing the fact that she was finally back on top and not acting like some pathetic little puppy that could only function under the love of its owner. Reflecting back at her was the real Star, and why was that so bad?

Probably because it wasn't the version Mingyu fell in love with.

Who was she kidding? Yes, she had been distracted over the past week, but no matter how hard she tried, her crow was forever pecking at the back of her mind. Love has enough power to drive even the sanest of people crazy.

The slight creak of the door had Satine biting down on her lip, recognising his presence instantly. He was, as per usual, looking as handsome as ever in his traditional black tux and chestnut hair pushed back off his face. She had seen him day in and day out in professional attire, but there was something different about the way he was holding himself.

Confidence really is the most attractive thing a man can wear.

"You know you really shouldn't sneak up on a lady..." She smiled into her shoulder, not giving him the luxury of her eye contact.

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