star: a storm's brewing

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Cheers erupted across the cramped space, confetti burst, and drinks were on the house that evening. It was Hoshi's birthday, and he celebrated the only way a guy his age knew how - passed out in his favourite bar.

Everyone had stayed after their gig to wish him a happy birthday, but he was barely sober enough to make it past "thank". He was holding back his vomit as soon as the word "you" danced around the tip of his tongue.

Soon the guys carried him upstairs to crash on Mingyu's couch, knowing they wouldn't be too far behind. It left the rest of them winding down for the evening, moody and on the brink of exhaustion. Mingyu sat in the corner of the booth with Satine asleep on his lap, Diana and Wonwoo sat opposite with their heads rested together, and DK was god-knows-where probably screwing a few leggy blondes. It had been one hell of a night, maybe even the best yet. From Diana playing the drums (very badly) to Satine showing everyone why she was nicknamed Star, it was an event sure to go down in history.

"Is anyone else seconds away from throwing up?" Diana grumbled, closing her eyes to ward off the nausea. She accidentally opened her mouth and let out a tiny burp which seemed to amuse the man opposite.

Wonwoo reached up and squished her cheeks, and in return received a cautionary growl.

"Oof, what happened to Princess Diana?" He teased, letting go and ruffling her hair.

She had been given yet another nickname, though it wasn't quite as irritating as the one Mingyu forced on her. She could still feel his timbered voice radiating through her body every time he called her Di. The worst part was she sort of liked it - or liked the link it had to its host.

"I'm afraid she's not feeling so prim and proper right now." She frowned, resting her head back on Wonwoo's shoulder.

That's where she was wrong. She always looked sweet, no matter how gross she felt on the inside.

Mingyu's lips tugged into a slight smile; he found her slurred speech endearing. His attention often swayed like this, away from his Red Sonja sleeping peacefully in the crook of his neck. Satine was a dream, the perfect woman if you must, but he still found himself falling deeper and deeper into the temptation of the brunette's company. It was all platonic of course - a friendly closeness, a protective-like affection.

He wouldn't let himself overstep boundaries.

"I'm gonna go for some fresh air," Diana groaned, hiking herself up.

Wonwoo had nodded off in the short amount of time it took for her to come to that decision, but Mingyu couldn't complain - his friend's absence meant he could be the one to accompany her outside.

"I'll come with you," he said instantaneously, setting Satine down carefully against the padded booth. "I never usually mix whiskey and gin. Feeling a bit shit."

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