star: trials and tribulations

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After spending two nights living the life of luxury in Jeonghan's spare room, Satine prepared to come face to face with the two people that betrayed her. She was no longer distraught, just ready to get her crow back. She burst into the loft, holding her chin up high, and bounced over to the four men sitting around the room.

"Hey sweets, I'm back just in time!" She let out her breath. "I ran all the way back from Paris."

They all laughed.

Hoshi jumped up first to hug her. "How was your trip?"

"Worked the entire time, no time for any play." She glanced over his shoulder to Wonwoo. "Hey, Woo, you still an alcoholic?"

"Always." He winked back.

Everything was oddly the same, but the entire loft had been cleaned. She supposed Mingyu was frightened of her finding Diana's thong somewhere it wasn't meant to be.

"Fontaine," DK nodded as she turned to the two men slumped on the couch.

Mingyu sat with DK's arm wrapped around his shoulder. He was smiling, a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, which Satine was hoping for. It gave her something to hold onto.

"I missed you!" She lowered herself to kiss his cheek, ignoring her heart rolling around in her stomach.

"I missed you too, Red. Did that bastard overwork you?" He needed to talk about her, too frightened of what would happen if she asked about him.

"He was incredibly accommodating actually." It wasn't exactly a lie. "Where's Dotty?"

Wonwoo finally brought his lips away from his bottle of vodka to utter a few words. "She stayed at mine and Hoshi's to give Mingyu some space whilst you were away."

That's what confused Satine. Why would they sleep together the way they did, and then Diana suddenly leave? It didn't make sense.

She tried to ignore it, until noticing the flicker of angst in Mingyu's eyes.

"She'll be back tonight for our gig."

"Perfect!" Satine grinned, holding back her tears again. "We'll all be back together."


Dynaco was teeming with people from across the borough and even New York. Satine had made a conscious effort to introduce herself to half the newcomers over the past few weeks after reading that if a pretty girl acquaints herself with people, they're much more likely to stick around.

She had always been a tremendous social butterfly.

The boys were on stage, getting ready to perform the list of songs she recommended. At that point, she was like their manager, even though they had told her a million times they hated the idea of being managed.

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