Ch. 1

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Earth, home to beautiful landscapes, vast skies and humans. Ugh humans how I despised their existence, and knowledge of the world around them. They radiated stupidity, constantly gossiping about "friends" and trying to always one up the other. Not to mention how clueless they were, supernaturals crowded the halls mixed and mingling with others. Humans also never found true soulmates, they would settle for whoever and die never meeting their other half.

Dragons we're destined to one person, and when this occurred we were granted immortality, so we could love them forever.
Although finding your soulmate wasn't easy, there were rituals that had to be done to confirm someone was made for you, if you failed it meant you hadn't found them yet. Those who never found theirs only lived a few hundred years. But the hardest was losing your soulmate, you were to spend eternity alone.

The Supernatural Realm was closed off from the rest of the world, only those who knew of its existence could enter. Those who happened upon it, well we don't speak of them. My first visit to Earth was exciting, clouded by fascination and fear of the unknown, to only be met by disappointment. It wasn't the humans fault supernaturals were so advanced but it made liking them very difficult.

I refused to go home though, my father didn't even want me to leave, turning back now would only anger him more. I planned on staying a year, visit college and than return. Until I met the most perfect human, Gemma.

My gaze drifted to her, she was perfect in every way, still as clueless as any other human. But she was kind, thoughtful and full of surprises. Although it was rare to have human mates I believed she was mine. We were complete opposites, my hair was pitch black and long, waves pooling down my back. My eyes were a light blue almost white. And I always dressed in skinny jeans and baggy shirts.

"Sap, where we're you?" Her soft voice matched her softened appearance. Mid length blonde hair tucked into a loose ponytail, mascara surrounding her green emerald eyes. Plump pink lips paired with her chubby cheeks and deep dimples. Dressed in her usual yellow sun dress attire matched with small white heels.

"Saphrina?" Her eyes searched mine as she called my name.

"Mate her now!" Samira my dragon screamed pouring lust through our entire body. Chills rose up my spine as Gemma grabbed my hand trying to pull me back to earth. Her scent drove me insane cinnamon apples. I needed to stop this we were not ready for that step yet! Shutting out Samira's dirty mind allowed my brain to function again.

"Sorry Gem, didn't get much sleep last night. I was trying to prepare more for the test, guess I overslept." Although supernaturals didn't need much sleep and some of us didn't need any, this world seemed to suck all of the energy out of everything.

"It's okay, I just was worried when you missed breakfast but I brought you an apple!" Reaching into her bag she pulled out a giant apple setting it into my hand as my mouth watered. Recently apples became my favorite food.

"Thank you, it looks almost as good as you." I kissed her lips lightly lingering my face inches from hers. Tuning into her racing heartbeat and shallow breaths as my hand wrapped around her thin waist.

"We should really get to class, it's the last test today." She rushed as her breath fanned my face. I smirked as her cheeks became rosy.

"Come beautiful, our test awaits." I spoke softly in her ear as I hoisted her into my arms. She giggled lightly as I carried her down the hallways, smacking me to put her down.

Approaching our classroom I planted a kiss on her cheek as I set her softly back to her feet.

"Next time when I say put me down put me down! Asshole." She stomped away to her seat as I chuckled moving to sit next to her.

"I'm sorry Ms. Grouchy pants, I won't pick you up again for the next few hours okay." I spoke mockingly.

She glared daggers into my eyes as she launched out of her chair trying to attack me.

"Saphrina I swear to god I will kill you! I will rip your hands off if you try and pick me up again!" She screamed grabbing my hands and I lost control laughing hysterically at her outburst.

"Oh my god enough love birds! You're gonna make me sick!" Rachel yelled pulling Gemma from my body as she continued to swat me. Sitting down she crossed her arms and pouted her lips as Rachel and I chuckled at her childish ways.

Averting my eyes I looked to Rachel Gemma's best friend. I carefully took in her appearance, she was definitely beautiful. Her dark complexion only complimented her bright blue eyes. Today she was dressed in her cheer uniform although she wore pants instead of the usual skirt. Probably sick of the attention the obnoxiously short skirts bring.

"Gemma why aren't you in your uniform, the teams meeting tonight to send off the seniors and prepare for our last performance." Rachel's eyes scanned over Gemma's dress disapprovingly.

"I'm going to change after the test, I hate wearing the uniform all day, it's itchy." Gemma whined

"Quiet class! Your test is about to begin, remember if you don't pass you don't graduate! So you better be ready!" Did I mention I really hated college!

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