Ch. 3

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"Saphrina, our mate looks delicious in her uniform"
"Shut it Samira, and we don't know she's our mate."
"Have you seen her of course she is. She's perfect let's mate her tonight! The ritual will prove it!"

Ignoring my own inner thoughts my eyes drifted back to the cheer team. Practice was always demanding and took forever, but god Gemma moved with such ease. Her tiny frame allowed her to be tossed and lifted as far as they could get her. Although I didn't like my woman being handled by men, she enjoyed the sport so I kept the thoughts to myself.

The sun began to set as the team rushed inside to dress for tonight's fire. Gemma and Rachel were the last to leave the field soaking up their final practice.

"After this Rach, we will live boring adult lives. I'll be a teacher, reading your work during my free time." Smiling brightly they hugged. After graduation Rachel planned to move to France, meaning these next few days would probably be the last time we saw her for a while.

"Don't get all emotional on me Gemma! We will stay in touch, I'll visit you when I can and fly you out once I get money flowing. Plus maybe I'll find a handsome French boy!" Pulling away from the hug, Rachel ran off to join the others in the locker room. While Gemma came to my side pulling her bag out of my hands.

"I'm going to get dressed and than we can head over to the fire." I nodded lightly while kissing her head.

After graduation was a hard topic with us, I was meant to be back in my own realm 3 years ago. I never planned to graduate or meet the love of my life, yet here I was head over heels for a human.

My thoughts were interrupted as the team came pouring out of the locker room. All the females wore dresses while the men wore jeans with nice shirts. Rachel wore a skintight red dress that complimented her complexion, the sides were held together by string. Her hair was left down showing her curls.

Gemma was the last to leave, her blonde hair wrapped in an elegant updo, light makeup fanned her face. Her sparkling white dress had a long slit up both sides allowing both of her toned thighs to be revealed when she walked. The top dipped low, separated from the bottom showing her toned stomach. My eyes scanned her body starting from her tall heels, trailing up her long legs and finally resting on her breathtaking smile.

"She's stunning! She's all mine." Samira and I spoke as our voices became one. I never allowed her full control but keeping her in the dark wasn't easy. Gemma approached us slowly allowing our eyes to wander.

"Gemma you look ravishing! My eyes will never leave you, my heart is yours." Samira was claiming Gemma, this was the first step towards the mating ritual. Before letting her take Gemma on the grass I regained full control.

"Thank you Sap, although your voice sounds strange. Are you feeling ill?" Damn Samira and her lust! I could feel her smirking happy Gemma noticed.

"No I'm fine love, let's get to the party." Her arm looped with mine as I led us toward the fire.

It roared high into the sky, food and alcohol lined nearby tables. Music blasted as bodies meshed together. Rachel had found a handsome man to spend her evening with, grinding to a song I hadn't heard of.

"Come on Gemma and Saphrina! LETS DANCE!" Rachel yelled over the music clearly having a couple drinks in her system. Gemma chuckled lightly indulging herself into a drink before dragging me to dance.

Our bodies molded into one as her hips began grinding into me. Her back was pressed against my front as my hands gripped tightly to her sides.  The smell of arousal filled the field as everyone danced with their partners. Gemma's usual cinnamon apple smell now smelled of caramel apples as her grinding became more desperate. Whipping around, her lips found mine as her hands roamed my body.
Grabbing her waist firmly I pulled away letting her heart calm.

"Gemma, slow down or I'll take you in this field." I spoke huskily, my breathing becoming rapid.

"Saphrina take me, take me now, have me." Gemma spoke looking at me with her lust filled green eyes.

"Are you sure? Gemma are you sure you're ready?" Doubt clouded my judgment.

"I love you Sap, I can't wait any longer! I need this, I need you. Now!" She practically begged while her arousal pooled off her into my nose.

Samira took full control before I could stop her. Grabbing Gemma and carrying her away from the dancing bodies. Wrapping her legs around our waist scanning the field trying to found somewhere peaceful.

"Go get her Saphrina! Make my little girl a woman!" Rachel yelled drunkenly while cheering along with a couple of friends.

Sensing a nearby meadow Samira gripped onto Gemma while practically sprinting. The music began to fade as she ran towards a small opening in the woods. The moon shined brightly against the tall grass and flowers, a small stream was nearby filling the quietness with soft sounds. Fishing out a blanket from my bag and laying it down while Gemma sat down, rushing to sit beside her.

"Sap, this place is perfect. I love you, please take me. Be with me forever." Gemma spoke softly climbing onto my lap.

"Gemma I love you too, my life will never be complete without you. Be mine!" My lips found hers as her hand tangled into my hair. My hands gripped her waist wrapping my arms securely around her. Gently lying back I pulled her on top of me, never removing our lips.

Her kisses became needy as her hands tugged off my jacket. Struggling to take my buttoned shirt off I helped by ripping it from me. The buttons popped as the shirt ripped at the seam, Gemma giggled before reattaching our lips. My hands wrapped around the top of her dress lifting it above her head revealing her beautiful breasts. She removed my sports bra as I flipped us over.

Hovering over her body my mouth found her nipple, sucking it gently as my teeth grazed it. Gemma moaned loudly pulling at the blanket under us. Slipping out of my pants and pulling down her dress left us in just our underwear. Her laced thong was red with a black bow, while I was in black boxers. My hands worked their way lower finally inserting myself into her folds.

Samira began softly chanting the ritual but I stopped her. Our first time wouldn't be a test, I wanted to enjoy every minute of this.

Our bodies molded into one as we made love for hours. Screaming and groaning into the night as the pleasure rocked our bodies. Gemma passed out from exhaustion as I covered her body with my coat. Slipping on my pants and bra I lifted her body into my arms. Pressing herself into my body I quickly wrapped the coat around her. There was no way I could walk home and Gemma was asleep. Allowing my wings to extend from my back I took flight. Careful to leave my senses aware of everything around. Cautiously I flew over the trees keeping out of view from any prying eyes. Our suite lay just beyond the trees, but people were walking all around.

Flying as close as I could to the tree line I landed, my wings popping back into me letting my senses relax as I walked towards our suite. My eyes scanned back to Gemma's sleeping form to be met with frightened wide eyes. Her body stiff as a board as she looked at me in terror.

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