Ch. 6

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"What are you?" Gemma's eyes widened afraid to come any closer.

"You needn't be afraid love, I would never hurt you." Samira smiled as our scales and claws disappeared. Keeping our tail and wings out as she pulled our hair from its hair tie. Our clothes were ripped during the transformation so our hair covered our chest area.

"Where is Saphrina? How do you look exactly like my girlfriend!" She began to shout as her eyes looked on with disgust.

"Saphrina and I are one and the same. I understand this is confusing Gemma but I need you too understand life isn't as it seems."

"Clearly I'm talking to a giant lizard person!"Samira chuckled while rolling her eyes.

"I'm a dragon dear, although I look like a lizard I'm much cooler. Supernatural beings are all around, you humans just don't have the capacity to comprehend our existence. So we hide away, away from this world where nothing but we can enter."

"Than why leave your home to be here! A dragon what even is that!" Samira stepped closer slowly making sure to not frighten Gemma as her eyes and body readied to run at any moment.

"You see Gemma, I've been around for many years. I've lived inside Saphrina since she was born, but she isn't my first host. All dragons are born somewhat human, but our dragon soul is awakened by our god Kukulkan. He also gifts us our element, mine is air which is why I'm white."

"Woah slow down! This is a lot to process none of this makes any sense! I still don't understand why Saphrina decided to date me!"

"Okay have you ever heard of a soulmate?"

"Yes, of course people talk about dating their soulmates all the time."

"Humans never find their true soulmate, if they do it's pure luck. Dragons, are destined to be with one person forever and we spend our existence trying to find them. Once we do we are immortal, but if we don't we live only a few hundred years."


"As I said I've lived with many hosts before, but Saphrina is only around 40 in human years, she's still very young."

"This is some sick joke! 40! She looks to be in her twenties! How can she be as old as a grandmother!" Gemma's eyes racked our body as she gagged shivering in disgust.

"Time is different in our world, we age very slow because our days our twice as long. Two years here is only one in our world, plus we age very slowly. Our bodies don't start aging well into our hundreds."

"I need to get out of here this is insane! You've corrupted my mind, your a dragon. A DRAGON!" Gemma looked crazy, she laughed manically, pulling on her hair and uniform.

"Please Gemma, I love you I know this is hard but I never meant to hurt you!"

"You love me how can you love me! I'm a human, you're insane if you think I'll love a lizard!"

"IM NO LIZARD! IM A DRAGON! You may be my mate but don't dare insult my kind!" Samira wrapped her tail and wings securely around us trying to calm her anger. Gemma looked at us apologetically before realization crossed her features!

"I'm your mate? How, how is that possible. I'm a human, how can you be so sure!"

"Race doesn't matter, we can mate with any species. My fathers mate was human, they give birth to Saphrina. It's also why we came here, this is where my father met his mate when he visited the human world."

"I want to see Saphrina. I can't even grasp all of this. Show me my girlfriend!"

"As you wish my love, until we meet again." Placing a kiss on her hand Samira disappeared giving me control back again.

"Saphrina?" The wings, and tail slowly disappeared leaving me completely nude. My eyes traveled to Gemma as she blushed quickly whipping her head to the sky.

"Gemma, I'm sorry I didn't bring any clothes."

"Oh, it's okay I have something in my bag!" Quickly she tossed a pair of workout shorts and a sports bra towards me.

"Okay I'm dressed. Gemma I'm really sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen. I just couldn't help but fall for you." My head dropped as tears welled in my eyes.

"I'm probably crazy for saying this Saphrina but I love you, I can't help but want you. But this is so difficult to understand I need time. Can we please just act human for a little while." Grabbing onto my hands her eyes met mine. Her face still held confusion and anger but Samira just threw everything out there.

"She doesn't like me, just do as she wishes we need to know if she's truly our mate." Samira spoke sadly, disappointed in her.

"I'll do anything for you Gemma. Thank you!" Quickly I engulfed her into a hug kissing her cheek lightly.

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