Ch. 18

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Gemma's POV

"Red! Let's go, Lucius has asked for you in his office!" Red, a stupid nickname Lucius gave me. Only him and Alatar knew my real name, but they used Red to protect my identity so none knew who I was to Saphrina, if word gotten out I was here to eventually return back to my love, the fire realm would have an uproar.

"Red today! Do not make the king wait!" I scoffed walking sluggishly behind Alatar. My training was never interrupted Lucius made that clear, so why would he want me now?

"Ah Red! Good to see you, I apologize for pulling you from training but we have pressing matters." Lucius spoke turning to face me, his face stern as usual.

"There's been an attack in the smaller part of town." His eyes burned angrily.

"More Venkolth's?" I asked as he nodded his head. Grimsbanes army had continued trying to convert more fire dragons to join him.

"So let's go teach these enemies a lesson" Gio spoke seething in anger.

Lucius had updated me on all things supernatural related. I finally had felt at home and not some clueless human. I was also able to speak dragon language fully. The only problem was my dragon soul didn't communicate much about her past with anyone. She also refused to tell anyone why I was gifted a royal soul, just remarking it's what Kukulkan wanted. Eventually we just stopped asking and accepted it's just who I was now.

"I need to see how your training is paying off, so ready yourself we leave in an hour." Lucius spoke while a smile formed on my lips.

Running off I ran to gear myself, although fighting in dragon form was ideal I was also trained in human and half form. These forms were actually easier to battle with.

I dressed quickly wearing all black grabbing my metal gear to put overtop. A chest plate, shoulder pads and tassets. All made from enchanted metal, and finally my prized possession. A sword gifted to me by Alatar, he had enchanted all my pieces accordingly. But my sword was my favorite piece it never left the sheath attached to my waist. I only took it off to sleep and during training sessions it wasn't needed.

"Let's go Red, Lucius is waiting at the portal." Alatar spoke.

Quickly joining Lucius we ran towards the portal prepared to fight. We had entered into a nearby camp. Soilders of all kinds running around trying to aid and prepare for another battle.

Alatar sprang to action quickly teleporting the worst ones away to seek aid while helping the others. Lucius looked on in horror, quickly running to the ogre screaming orders. Upon seeing Lucius he bowed his head silencing.

"Quickly what happened?" Lucius spoke awaiting answers.

"They teleported outside the city walls, just outside of our shield. (Only Alatar could teleport in and out of the fire realm. Others had to walk or fly) They're looking to recruit more fire elements!" The ogre spoke while a blast sounded nearby.

"Their army is pinning us quickly we need assistance!" He spoke while more rushed to the field hoping to push the enemy back. Lucius nodded telling the ogre to prepare his troops.

"Red, you stay with me we need to get this under control!" I nodded running alongside him into the forest the blasts getting louder as we approached the battlefield. The enemy soldiers had laid waste to the small town, buildings burned to the ground and what looked like shrapnel from explosions corroded the streets.

Finally we came to a nearby clearing where the townspeople desperately fought back the drugged up enemies. I ran quickly to help a fire dragon who looked winded, her wing had been ripped apart not allowing her to transform. A small pack of three wolves circling her ready to strike again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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