Ch. 9

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The sun was beginning to show far beyond the horizon, as I drifted over the ocean. Although the portal was hidden away from human eyes, it proved tiring especially for myself who hadn't flown long in years.

"Gemma, darling you must wake. The water is glistening, and the sun is rising." Her head lifted gently from mine as she adjusted herself on my back.

"It's beautiful, and OH LOOK DOLPHINS!" My eyes followed her pointing, watching them jump from the water chasing each other.

"Almost as cute as you are dear. But do try not to scream as you almost caused me to crash into the water."

"Oh, sorry. I just love animals." Her voice seemed small.

"Don't apologize love, you are quite alright just a tad on edge. I'm ready to be home and rest, this flight is very tiring."

"How much longer do you think we are from the entrance?"

"Hard to say for sure but I'd have to presume about twenty minutes."

"Oh, okay I need to make sure I'm presentable than!" Gemma quickly moved around my back keeping her legs wrapped tightly, as she scooted along me.

"You look perfect love, stay still before you end up in the ocean." Our belongings were still securely wrapped in my claw, so I was careful to stay far from the water.

Gemma continued moving slightly along my back pulling on her clothes and adjusting her hair. The air became cooler as dark clouds covered the sky, lightning lit up the dark water below as thunder boomed loudly.

"Hey, Samira. Please fly faster!" She shook slightly pulling her jacket tighter.

"Not to worry darling, this is how the portal keeps humans away." Heavy rainfall fell from the sky as the weather worsened. Using the last of energy, I surrounded us in an air like bubble raindrops rolling off it much like a window.

"Well I guess that's one way to stay dry."

"The portal is just there, now remember hold on tight. First time passing through can be very disorienting." Taking a deep breath I rushed into the portal, coming out the other side only to be stopped.

Two very large dragons stood in my path, dressed in enchanted armor they eyed me dangerously.

"HALT! State your name, business and!" He paused looking at me in disgust, "GET THAT HUMAN OUT OF HERE!"

"Tsk tsk. Gentlemen I suggest you step aside. I could have both of your jobs gone by sundown, and if you so much as utter another word toward my beloved I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD!" Barring my teeth I stood tall eyeing their every move. Both eyed me warily watching me.

"Enough! Guards step away and let my daughter pass." The guards bowed their heads in fear quickly stepping away as my fathers dragon appeared.

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