Ch. 5

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"It's been days she hasn't left her room, what happened between you two?" Rachel's voice rang through my ears.

"Just drop it Rachel our performance is in a few hours, than we graduate in a few days can we just focus on that!" Gemma's voice disappeared as they walked down the hall.

Convincing my father to go home was near impossible, but we agreed I was to return the day after graduation. My time in the human world would have ended years ago had it not been for Gemma. Her name brought pain, memories clouded my brain of times we shared. I had cried every tear out of my system, unable to shed another, food tasted like poison and the ability to move from bed was impossible.

Samira has been silent, handling her own sorrow best she knew how. Our potential mate had rejected us, our bond although minimal only made it worse. Every happy moment she shared hurt, when she spoke about other people our world crumbled. She saw us only as a monster, our mate hated our existence and that's what hurt most.

"Saphrina let's go we're going to watch the final performance!" Our roommate Raven, had been trying to care for us. Turns out she was a werewolf. It wasn't until recently that I bothered to remember her name. Going from hardly speaking to seeing each other daily, she became my rock.

"No." My own voice sounded pathetic and weak.

"Alright I've had it!" Bursting through my door ripping the covers from my body.

"You stink. Get up get a shower and let's go I'm not listening to your moaning when the biggest moment of our lives happen in a few days! We're graduating and although it sucks Gemma doesn't want you it's not gonna ruin your big day!" Smiling sheepishly at her I pulled myself from the bed groggily walking into my shower.

Brushing all the knots from my hair I decided to leave it natural. My complexion was pale, almost sickly, the face staring back at mine was weak.

"We look like shit."

"Samira, you're alive! I thought I'd lost you!" My eyes quickly flashing too white as she made her presence known.

"You can never lose me little one. We're bound by souls for life, I'm done grieving. We may not live forever but I refuse to lay in waste."

"Thank you Samira, I don't think I could get through this alone." Turning toward the door I made my way to the bed. Raven had laid an outfit out, my signature ripped jeans, white shirt and a thick leather jacket. Slipping on my white shoes and a few accessories I headed for the door.

"Breathe, we can do this." Putting on a brave face I exited my room.

"Ready to go?" My eyes scanned Raven body as my mouth ran dry. Black heels, with leather ripped pants, her tanned stomach revealing abs, as a burgundy crop top with a low v showed off her chest. Tattoos lining her arms and collarbone, slightly hidden behind her long brown hair. Carrying a sweater in one hand and a clutch in the other.

"Woah, Raven you look." My hormones were at an all time high. Gemma had my heart but Raven was catching my eye.

"I hate to say it but please let me have her! I want, no I need her now! I need to relieve these emotions, just one night!" Licking my lips I continued letting my eyes trail all over her.

"Samira what is wrong with you? Why are you lusting after someone else!" My mind raced as our heart still pained with hurt.

"She's in heat, a non mated werewolf in heat! Oh, Saphrina TAKE HER NOW!"

"Saphrina stop undressing me with your eyes. Trust me you're sexy and I'd absolutely give myself to you, but you're very vulnerable right now." The smell of her arousal filled my senses, vanilla had never smelt more appetizing.

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