Ch. 15

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Saphrina's Pov

I wasn't looking forward to this "party" tonight at all. Although I was brought up a royal I hated all it entailed, I liked my privacy. Gemma had left to her own room to ready for the party with some help from maids. While I sat in my closest glaring at an angry Rosario.

"Why must you be so difficult princess!" She spoke loudly, arms crossed and foot tapping as I rolled my eyes for the 100th time.

"I told you I don't want to be in a long gown tonight! I hate that royals must be in elegant gowns for everything, I will not dress like this even when I am queen it is just ridiculous!" Rosario huffed a long sigh pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Wait here, and don't move!" She spoke sternly exiting the room to find help I assume.

"Must you always give her a hard time?" Phaedra spoke as she entered my room. My eyes moving to hers as I looked over her outfit. She wore a tight black dress that stopped at her calves. One side was slit allowing access to a hidden gun holster attached to her thigh, only seen from her stance as she was leaning against the door.

"Might wanna be careful how you stand I can see that "hidden" weapon you have." I spoke sarcastically as I laid down on the bench I was sat on.

"Well it won't matter later anyways, Ophir will enchant the holster, so to the naked eye no one will even see it." Phaedra spoke while joining me on my bench.

"Why aren't you ready for the party? Guests have already started arriving. My team and I are waiting for you two to come downstairs." I sighed annoyed at my new guards.

"I refuse to wear a gown, so hopefully Rosario will find something else. As for your team, I want all focus on Gemma I can handle myself." Phaedra rolled her eyes as she hit my leg.

"Ow! What was that for?" I screamed running my hand over the red mark forming on my leg.

"See you couldn't even stop me from slapping you! You also need protection so don't argue with me princess!" She spoke sarcastically, laughing as I glared harder.

"Be mad all you want princess but you are stuck with me and my team! We have already vowed our lives to you, your safety is our upmost priority." I sighed ready to argue more when Rosario's figure entered.

"Ah Phaedra, so nice to see you again!" Rosario spoke happily as she greeted Phaedra with a small bow.

"And you Rosario, but no need for bowing I am just a guard now." She spoke happily.

"Ah but you'll always be a princess to me Ms." Rosario spoke softly laying a hand on Phaedras shoulder. Phaedra smiled and left the room yelling at me to hurry up.

"Okay princess I found the perfect dress! And since we're running out of time you are to wear this without complaint!" Rosario hurried me up off the bench as I laid eyes on the mannequin. A smile plastered my face at the beautiful yet simple dress.

Instead of a long flowing dress Rosario had found a blue corseted flowing blazer paired with a simple black dress under it. She had also found some small heels to match with it.

"I know it's still a dress, but it's the closest we're getting to casual. Plus you'll definitely be the only princess not in a flowing gown." She spoke urgently pushing the garment into my arms.

"It'll work fantastically. Thank you Rosario!" I spoke happily quickly dressing before maids came to do my hair and makeup. Keeping my hair down in curls I sat my tiara on my head. Leaving my closet I was greeted by Gemma sitting atop my bed.

She of course was in a usual formal gown. But it suited her beautifully, the long blue gown matched my blazer perfectly as her tiara was placed on her head our eyes met.

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