Ch. 8

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I hadn't slept much last night, Gemma and I decided to pack up everything we would need to take with us. Trying to fit everything into backpacks and duffel bags. Being in a suite meant we only had our belongings so there was no need for furniture or anything to come.

After we walked across the stage we'd say goodbye to Rachel, and allow Gemma to enjoy her final hours here. Once it was dark we'd fly off to our new home. Although there were many ways to access the supernatural realm, flying allowed us to enter closer to home.

"She's going to meet me today. I'm most excited for her to see me in all my glory. I hope she looks on with pride at our beauty." Samira smiled to herself feeling ready to finally be set free into her full form. It has been years since we last did so, afraid of exposing to any humans, we decided half form was safest.

"She may not be too open Samira, it will take time, we have to be patient." I sighed lightly, trying to ease her excitement.

"Patient I am not, as you know! I refuse to accept our mate not feeling the pull toward us. She gave us a second chance and I may
be chivalrous, but she will be MINE." The need to finalize a ritual was all she could think about. It was like a dog in heat constantly wanting to sleep with whatever it could. I wanted to know too but I told Gemma we would wait, I just hoped she caved sooner for my sanity and hers.

"Sap, are you ready? It's time to walk across the stage." Patting my gown and checking once more in the mirror before exiting my room.

"Let's go ladies, today is our day!" I smiled brightly as Rachel and Gemma laughed walking on ether side of myself. Gemma gripped my hand tightly unable to conceal her excitement, smiling up at me like a kid who was fed candy. I pecked her lips lightly before parting ways as we approached everyone else.

Boring was an understatement, these graduation ceremonies were unbearable. Terribly written speeches, bullshit spewing from everyone's mouths. Not to mention I was one of the last to receive my diploma, stupid V lettered last name!

"Someone's throwing a tantrum, congrats little one. Your mother would be proud."

"She was OUR mother Samira, just because you have had other "hosts" my mother still loved you the same. You and I are intertwined it's time to start acting as such. Plus you may have had bad luck finding mates in the past, but I will not rest until we found ours. I will be the last host for you, I swear it!" Samira became full of emotion quickly disappearing while a tear ran down our face.

"Our graduating class ladies and gentlemen!" Quickly everyone rose throwing their caps, I ran to Gemma pulling her into me while kissing her lips. She smiled gripping onto my neck as we twirled. Rachel came running, knocking us into a group hug, tears streaming down our faces.

"Well my love birds this is it." Smiling sadly Rachel grabbed our hands.

"Don't ever leave each other you guys are the definition of soulmates. Contact and visit when you can. I love you both so much!"

"We love you too Rachel, your forever is waiting for you. Text me all the time!" Gemma spoke again throwing us into a group hug.

Rachel left as Gemma and I returned to our suite finishing the last few items we had left to pack. She came through my door carrying the rest of her bags plopping them on my bed.

"That's everything Sap, it's just you and I now." She looked scared, although I couldn't blame her.

"Let's go celebrate your last day here Gem, anything you want. Let's go." She smiled dragging us from the room.

We went to her favorite restaurant, the cinema, the arcade, and somehow I got convinced to look at the animals that were up for adoption. Although of course explaining to Gem how terrible it would be to bring one with us, we left, her mood diminished as we exited the mall. The sun had just finished setting and starts we're beginning to show.

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