Ch. 14

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Saphrina's POV

"Ughhh!" I slammed the door, ripping the dress I had on from my body. Gemma's eyes following my every move as she approached me cautiously.

"Sap, is everything okay?" She spoke softly running her fingers along my shoulder.

"Yes love everything is fine, I'm just upset with my father. I just worry about my new "guard"." Throwing myself onto the bed as Gemma sat next me, cuddling into my side.

"Well they seemed to have handled everything just fine Sap, maybe just give them a chance. Plus Phaedra definitely held her own." She spoke softly running her fingers through my disheveled hair.

I sighed pulling away from her lightly, "let's get you out of that dress, I'll show you more of the grounds before the party tonight." She smiled excitedly as we both slipped into simpler clothes.

Hand in hand we made our way out of the room. Walking down the long corridors we made it outside to the garden. Gemma smiled at me as she explored the maze of flowers and bushes.

"This was my mother's favorite place to be, she planted most of these. She said this spot made her feel most "human" and allowed her time away from the chaos." I spoke softly reflecting on my mother's words.

"Well this place is so peaceful I can see why she chose to spend time here." Gemma spoke while kissing my cheek. Tearing me away from my past thoughts.

"This kingdom is absolutely beautiful Sap, thank you for bringing me here."

"Of course my love, thank you for accepting me." Samira purred lightly pulling Gemma into us. Kissing her with passion and love.

"So my little mate, why don't we fly around? I'll show you more of the surrounding areas." Gemma smiled nervously, the fear of flying but excitement succumbed her eyes.

"I'd love to, but make sure we're back in time to get ready. I need to prepare for another party!" I laughed lightly as I walked into the clearing. I didn't want to risk damaging any of the garden.

Quickly I transformed into my full form, stretching my wings high. Gemma crawled onto my wing as she had before quickly positioning herself onto my back wrapping her legs on ether side of my neck.

I took a deep breath allowing the energy around me to fuel my body. Focusing on the air around us, pulling it toward me as it rushed up under my wings allowing us to take flight.

Gemma's grasp tightened as I flew higher into the clouds dipping down slightly so she could see the entire kingdom. Thick forests surrounded our kingdom stretching for what seemed like forever. After lapping around the kingdom stopping momentarily to explain different shops and towns. I flew into the woods towards the mountains.

"The tallest mountain is where we are able to communicate with our god, Kukulkan. He was the one who gifted Vasteya, our ancestor the power to master all elements during battle." I spoke as I landed near the Temple. Transforming into my half form to easily communicate with Gemma as she stood beside me listening in awe.

"This temple was built for our kingdom to be able to show our gratitude to Kukulkan, after the war was won. Vasteya kept the peace amongst the kingdoms for years until eventually dying unable to find her mate." Gemma frowned sadly as she looked at the portrait hung on the wall, Vasteya's dragon painted atop a rock her multicolored wings and tail shining brightly.

(Painting of Vasteya)

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(Painting of Vasteya)

"She looked majestic Sap, how come she never found her mate?"

"No one really knows, she was so focused on war and keeping peace it is said she refused any contact with loved ones at all. She was so private hardly anyone knew who her real family were. People speculated she had a relationship with another dragon but nobody knew for sure." Gemma nodded softly her face held sadness.

"So because she didn't find a mate Vasteya died of old age?"

"Basically yes, she came to this temple and sacrificed herself. She told everyone Kukulkan had asked for her to return her gift and that she was no longer needed. Some say she became a goddess that day, and many still worship her as they do Kukulkan. Which is why her portrait is hung in this temple alongside him." Gemma smiled as her eyes drifted over to Kukulkans painting.

(Painting of Kukulkan)

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(Painting of Kukulkan)

"Do you think Kukulkan loved Vasteya like was he possibly her mate?" Gemma spoke questioning. Laughing lightly I responded.

"Actually it's funny you mention that, many believed it was the reason he had gifted her his powers. Of course no one truly knew for sure, some believe that's why she never looked for love because she knew hers was just waiting for her final moments."

"I think that is exactly what happened, he only trusted his mate with his powers and knew no one could bring peace like her." She smiled softly kissing my arm as she wrapped around it.

"I also believe it, but no one truly knows. As I said she was a very private woman and once her death came about, kingdoms broke off into their own sectors. My great grandfather was the son to Vasteya, and he soon took the throne after her death creating our kingdom. Naming it in honor of his mother we became the Vast kingdom." Gemma's face filled with shock as her eyes grew wide.

"So your great great grandmother was Vasteya? And wait she never found a lover so how did she have a son?" Gemma spoke hastily

"Yes she is my ancestor and as I said she kept everything private so no one knew who the father was. I don't even think her own son knew or he refused to tell anyone. But soon after he took the throne he found love and made a family of his own. His daughter Averill took the throne after he retired and she married my grandfather Castiel. They then had my father and my uncle and you know the rest." Gemma shook her head processing all the new information I had thrown at her.

"So where are your grandparents then? I haven't met any of your other family besides your father." I nodded lightly.

"My great grandfather has passed him and his wife got sick of immortality and took their own lives, as many do after so many years. My grandparents live just outside of the kingdom in a more secluded area away from basically everyone. But I hear they will be attending tonight so you shall meet them!" Gemma smiled excitedly looking back toward the entryway of the temple. The sun had started descending cresting a beautiful cast of colors.

"We should get back Sap, I still have to get ready for the party tonight. But thank you for bringing me here, it's so fascinating learning about your life!" She smiled brightly as I scooped her into my arms carrying her out of the temple. Kissing her head lightly as I enjoyed the last rays of sun kissing my skin.

Transforming back to my full form, Gemma crawled back to her normal spot and I took off back to the castle.

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