Ch. 4

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You know the feeling of your world coming to a halt? The Earth stops spinning, time stops moving and you feel like you could crumble at any second. My hearts thumping echoed through my skull as it defended my ears. My body felt full of jello, unable to move or process anything. A bright light flashed before I felt my limbs sway, crashing onto the forest floor. Succumbing to the pain I was welcomed by darkness where nothing could be seen or felt.

"Saphrina? Saphrina! Wake up please!" Samira stood beside me reflecting a very similar version of myself. We were basically twins although our eyes, hair, and voice were different. Her eyes were as white as the moon and they glowed brighter than any star. Long thick white locks ran down her back. Voice thick and harsh yet soft and gentle with a slightly old Victorian accent. And of course her face wearing its usual smug smirk.

"Samira, my old friend stop screaming. My head is pounding, where are we?" My eyes followed the dark room only to see nothing but black, it was a dark pit of nothing.

"I'm not old! You're just a child, and we're in your subconscious you have sustained an injury."

"What do you mean an injury?"

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"Making love with Gemma, and than nothing. I awoke here somehow." She sighed deeply resting my head on her leg running her fingers through my hair.

"I'm afraid something bad has happened, our body is in a lot of pain. Which is why you're here we're unable to awake. We've slipped into a comatose state, from an unknown origin." She pondered trying to rack our brain for any memories.

"Is Gemma okay? We must wake up! What if she was injured or worse. We're a fucking dragon, nothing can take us down so easily!" I lept from our position running into the abyss, soon running straight into an invisible barrier. My fists flew at it to no avail, it wouldn't break.

"Enough Saphrina, get ahold of yourself! Gemma is fine I can feel her through our bond."

"Feel her? How I never fully mated with her!"

"Our mating process is in its early stage I tried finishing the ritual but you stopped it. Which is just preposterous, honestly you're despondent."

"Stop using your big fancy words and get us out of here! I need to wake up, I can't stay in this abyss forever!" Angrily I continued pounding the barrier, praying my eyes would open.

"We will rise soon, in the meantime I could teach you more big fancy words." She wore a smug smile staring into my eyes. Flipping her off I crashed to the floor wrapping my arms around my legs.

"Focus on getting better so we can wake up. Our body will heal, but in the meantime use our bond to tune into our mate."

"If part of the ritual worked does that means she's our true mate?"

"Unfortunately no, just as we can feel and communicate with our clan, we do the same with our loved ones. Mating with someone allows our bodies to be in sync and open our minds to the other, but it doesn't confirm the ritual." I huffed annoyed, letting my head drop onto my knees as Samira sat beside me.

"Focus on her to wake us up. She will give us the strength, she is our other half."

"Do you really believe she's meant to be our true mate?"

"I do, but I know it's unlikely to be the first one you attempt the ritual with. Regardless I remain optimistic, I love her just as you do. She's perfect for us, and hopefully soon she will meet me as well!" I smiled lightly patting her leg, before trying to focus on our bond.

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