Ch. 11

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"What did you just do saphrina!" Samira shouted as I continued hastily walking toward the party.

"Why would you kiss her isn't Gemma our mate! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" I pushed her away stopping right before the stairs.

"Sap, love where are you?" Gemma's voice echoed through the garden as I pressed myself further into a bush nearby.

"Phaedra have you seen Saphrina?" I stilled as I watched Finch approach her. Kailani eyes searched for me after seeing Phaedra walking from the garden. Her eyes met mine as tears rushed down my face.

"Hey guys maybe she's back inside you go look I'll check out here." Kailani ushered them inside while grabbing Phaedra running to my hiding spot.

"What is going on?" She screamed as she approached me, Phaedra looked away as my eyes met the ground.

"Saphrina please tell me you guys didn't do what you look so guilty of." I raised my head to meet her eyes as guilt and pain filled my body.

"It's my fault. I didn't know she was already taken by I presume the woman up there with Finch and Ebrema." I nodded my head unable to speak.

"Gemma is our mate." Samira spoke as they both froze.

"At least I think!" I quickly spoke seeing Phaedras features change from sad to hopeful.

"It doesn't matter ether way Saphrina you brought her here to a world she'll never understand or be fully accepted in! You need to fix this now!" Kailani spoke angrily looking at us in disbelief.

"Whatever happened today stops here! I know you guys always crushed on each other and flirted in the past. We all were awaiting the day you two would start dating but it never happened." Phaedra cut her off

"Because I was forced into hiding! I didn't have a chance to make her mine!" My head dropped as my heart ached.

"Phaedra enough! I'm sorry but Gemma deserves better, Saphrina loves her! All this tension between you is just childhood fantasy. It's time to move on." Phaedra looked at me hopeful, waiting for a rebuttal. When she saw I wasn't going to she left, her face read of heart break and tears fell from her eyes.

"Saphrina clean yourself up and never speak of this to anyone! Gemma needs you and things are hard enough for her, don't add this too." I nodded as she walked away, my head spinning unable to focus on one thing.

"Babe, there you are!" Gemma approached me as a forced smile appeared on my face. The sun had set so it was dark enough for her not to see the sadness in my eyes.

"I missed you, the party is great and everyone has been so wonderful! I'm so glad I chose you, to come here and be with you is the best decision I've ever made!" My heart broke, how could I have been so stupid letting my emotions takeover my thought process.

Allowing my brain to shut off and focus on her, I pushed my lips onto hers as she gasped. I snuck my tongue between her lips fighting hers for dominance which I of course won. Gemma moaned lightly as I pushed her into the bush causing us to fall into it.

"Oh my, are you okay?" I spoke landing on top of her.

"I'm fine Sap, the dress cushioned my fall." She connected our lips once more wrapping her hands into my hair as my hands tried to undo the back of her dress.

"Do you have something under this?" I asked huskily.

"Yeah a white slip why?" I ripped open her dress sick of trying to figure out how to open it.

She gasped as I threw the dress off of her into the bush we fell through. I looked back to her seeing her in a white laced slip, with matching undergarments. I soaked her in as our lips connected again. My hand slowly traveling up her thigh until I met her underwear. Pulling it out of the way I quickly slipped inside hearing her moan huskily.

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