Ch. 10

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"Gemma are you almost ready?" Checking myself in the mirror one last time making sure my crown was positioned correctly.

My black hair was done in curls with pieces fanning my face. Light makeup to match my dress and of course I was forced to wear heels. I turned around as the door to Gemma's room opened.

"Oh my love you looks ravishing!" Blushing Gemma approached me, I watched as her eyes ran over my body and back to my face noticing I caught her.

"You look beautiful as well, I never thought you'd look so good as a princess." I smiled brightly grabbing the smaller crown and placing it on her head. Her hair was put into an elegant bun pieces fanned her face.

"A crown suits you my queen, now let's head downstairs I have some people who are waiting your arrival." She nodded taking my hand as we waltzed into the ballroom. Voices filled the air as a small orchestra played soft music. Everyone was dressed to impress, wearing their best formal outfits. My father was in his usual tux and because of the occasion his mantle.

"Your fathers cape is so detailed" Gemma spoke staring at my father walking across the room.

"It's a mantle dear, he only wears it during special occasions. The designs you're referring too is our family crest, the white dragon with the rainbow tail represents our ancestor. She was the first and only dragon to master every element. My father is the only one to come as close, mastering three, which is why the background colors are blue green and purple." She nodded in understanding.

"What elements did he master?"

"Earth, water and air. Fire is more of a rare type, you'll never see a fire dragon around these parts they choose to live somewhere more.. secluded." I grabbed her hand walking through the crowd as Rosario kept a close eye.

"So is Rosario just your assistant?" She spoke watching her stare from afar.

"No, she's also my personal guard until I have one appointed to me. My father won't appoint one until later this year, I didn't have use for one until you. Now we must ensure your safety by all means necessary."
She looked on with fear.

"Am I in danger?" She grabbed my hand tucking into my side.

"No love, it's just better to keep you extra safe. Not everyone is welcoming to humans, but don't fret. My father and I would never let anything happen to you, if I lose you at all tonight you must stay near Rosario. I also would like you to meet a few others over here." Before I could finish I was ripped away into a tight hug.

"Saphrina STOP LEAVING US!" I pulled away to look at the culprit, recognizing her voice instantly.

"Ebrema, Finch, and Kailani this is."

"Gemma! We've heard so many things about you, I'm Ebrema Seird but you can just call me Em. I'm a fairy and before you ask yes my wings are hidden right now but I'll show you them later!" Gemma chuckled lightly, as I looked at Em's short dress. It was a light pink with small designs throughout, her dark hair braided thrown over her neck.

"Hello Gemma, I'm Finch Greyleaf I'm a warlock. No I'm not a witch as our magic is just a bit different but you'll learn that eventually." He was dressed in a tux a book tucked inside his jacket, his black hair curly and styled perfectly.

"Lastly and best, I'm Kailani Storm. I'm a siren, my voice is very beautiful and can enchant any species. But don't worry it only happens if I want it too, me singing won't cause you to jump out a window." I laughed loudly as they all turned to me.

"The mermaid wearing a mermaid cut green dress! You're like Ariel!" Kailani looked at me evilly her light blonde hair flowing down her back, as she turned whispering into Finch's ear.

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