Ch 12

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"Sap, I was wondering where you had wondered off too!" Gemma spoke lifting herself out of bed as I entered the room. She had changed sometime last night into a matching pj set.

"Sorry dear, my father needed me. There's another party tonight we must attend and a few other things but needn't worry, you have me all day." She smiled, quickly wrapping herself around me as I held her close. Her apple scent invading my nostrils as a delighted purr left my throat.

"Do you guys host parties often? Because we just arrived, and there's already another one." Gemma spoke gently pulling away to look into my eyes.

"Yeah, many parties for many different occasions. This one is more for business rather than a celebration, it's just more fun to party than meet in a room and speak." She nodded pecking my lips before turning toward her room.

"I'm going to get dressed as should you." Following her instructions I headed to my bathroom preparing for the day ahead.

Deciding on an outfit seemed simple, but having to constantly dress to impress irritated my soul. Gemma had entered wearing a purple formal dress. Embroidered with gems that flowed throughout. Paired with some jewelry and heels that were hidden beneath. Her hair styled into a fancy bun while her crown laid upon her head.

"Just wear whatever you like Sap, it's no big deal." She sighed as I continued tearing through my closet.

"It is, my father expects me to "dress to impress, we are royalty we must look the part, plus a lot of important people will be there tonight." A knock sounded as I groaned answering the door.

"Rosario? What do I owe the pleasure?" She smiled brightly giggling at my obviously distraught appearance.

"I had a feeling you were having a hard time getting ready. So I brought up something the seamstress have been working on." I smiled as a mannequin wearing the most elegant gown rolled in.

"Oh my, Rosario! Thank you, it's absolutely wonderful!." I hugged her tightly as my eyes ran over the dress.

"These other kingdoms will bow once they see you the true queen." She whispered releasing me settling on a chair nearby.

"Let me help you get ready, your father has asked you meet him in the courtyard." I nodded.

The dress was a cream white, large and small gems scattered throughout making designs of flowers and leaves. The top was a strapless tight corset gemmed to perfection. A train was attached to my arms by decorated loops, flowing down my back. Much like my fathers mantle it held our families crest, but the colors extended throughout the veil while the dragon was the center focus.

"Wow Sap, you look absolutely stunning!" I smiled brightly as Rosario finished the look. My hair cascading in waves as a crown was placed upon my head.

"You look just like you mother Saphrina, she'd be so proud!" Tears brimmed my eyes as Rosario hugged me lightly. I pulled away lightly smiling as my eyes turned to Gemma, her lip was taken between her teeth as her eyes racked my body.

"My love, you look ravishing. I think my father can wait don't you?" Her eyes clouded with lust as Samira sweet talked strolling slowly toward her.

"Not a chance Miss Samira!" Rosario blocked our path looking at us with stern eyes as Gemma took a few breaths to calm her heart.

"Ah but Rosario, don't you have some other things to do before tonight?" I spoke smoothly as my eyes peered on my beautiful lover who's arousal filled my senses.

"BAD DOG!" Rosario yelled while swatting my arm causing my eyes to meet hers in surprise, scowling at her words.

"Did you just call me a dog?" I spoke as she wore a smug smile.

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