Ch. 7

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Tomorrow was the most important day in the human world. Graduation, the moment when you went on to become everything you worked so hard to achieve. Walk across the stage for the last time and go be an adult conquer the world.

Except for us supernaturals it meant  nothing, we could graduate many times in our lives and it wouldn't really matter. Money was easy to come by when you lived hundreds of years or more, nothing could really be taught about the past in a classroom when your family lived through it.

Gemma was currently picking out a dress, while I was sitting on a bench inside the store. She had gone into the changing room multiple times unable to decide what she wanted.

"Gemma is your family coming tomorrow? We've been friends a few years now and I haven't even met them." Rachel spoke while handing dresses over for Gemma to try on.

"Oh I'm an orphan actually, I have no family." She shrugged closing the door.

"Oh I'm sorry, how come you never told me?"

"I guess it just never came up, sorry, it's really not a big deal I prefer to not deal with family drama I like being independent." Rachel's head whipped in my direction coming to sit on the bench next to me.

"Did you know she was an orphan?"

"Yeah, we spoke about it a little while after getting together. Her parents gave her away at birth, there's really nothing else to it. She kept aging and bouncing home to home but they never worked. Eventually she aged out and came to college so here we are I guess."

"So do you have family than? Or is everyone around me alone?" Rachel said with sad eyes obviously affected by Gemma's story.

"I have family Rach, my dad won't make it tomorrow but he'll be here the day after. My mother passed a few years back, so it's just him and I. But I have friends back home and an amazing support group. Gemma does too we're not alone."

"Saphrina I'm leaving right after graduation, please take care of her for me. I need to know she's gonna be okay, make sure she's not alone."

"I will, I'll always take care of her." Gemma exited the dressing room smiling towards us while holding a light blue dress in her hands.

"Are you guys ready? I found the perfect one!" We nodded heading towards the register so she could pay.

Heading back toward our university we parted ways agreeing to meet later for dinner. Gemma and I headed toward our suite making small talk, things still tense.

"So Sap, what are the plans after tomorrow? Where do we go from here?" Gemma spoke opening up the door to my bedroom before sitting on a chair near my bed.

"Gem, I love you. I wanna be with you but I also need to return home. My father needs me home, my stay was longer than intended." She nodded lightly looking toward the ground.

"So we break up? We part ways, you go back to your world and I stay here. That's great."

"I actually would prefer you come with me Gem, I know it's a lot to ask. But I would like you too see my world, introduce you to everything it has to offer and allow your mind to be amazed." Gemma's eyes widened as her face held confusion.

"I'm a human Sap, I still can't grasp that people around me aren't. Our roommate who you kissed is a werewolf, some people are vampires, witches, warlocks, fairies, hell DRAGONS! I still don't understand how it's possible." She huffed annoyed, maybe telling her wasn't ideal but she needed to understand now.

"We don't understand ourselves, how are animals and humans here. But just let me show you what I look like, a full transformation. We can go deep into the woods and I can show you exactly what I can do. Please Gemma if you're my mate, I need you, I want to be with you forever." I spoke lightly grasping her hands, our eyes staring into the other.

"What if I'm not your mate? What if you're wrong?"

"Than, we can decide if we want to break up, or remain together until you eventually die of old age. But Gemma I believe you really could be it, I've never felt this strongly toward anyone." She shook her head lightly turning to look out a nearby window as the sun began to set.

"After graduation I will go with you, you will show me your world. After summer we are to do the ritual or whatever and determine if we're mates."

"Oh my god Gemma thank you! You won't be sorry I promise my love! I can get you a job working with children over there, you'll love it you can teach and we can be happy!"

"Saphrina if I do this will we ever come back to Earth, to my I don't know area?"

"This realm?" She shook her head lightly.

"We can visit but if truly we're mates than probably not. Supernaturals that live here are only allowed too by the council. And it's usually for work or teaching purposes."

"So tomorrow I'll be saying goodbye to everything I know?" Gemma walked over to the window looking out into the wooded area and suites lining the tree line.

"Yes Gem, but only if you're ready. I know this is alot, if you ever become overwhelmed we can come back for a visit. But once you leave with me you'll never be able to come back. The council won't risk exposure of our hidden world."

"Guess it's a good thing I have no family, and Rachel's leaving." She spoke sadly, as my heart ached.

"Let's go to dinner Sap, I wanna enjoy these last days. I hope you're right about us being mates, or else I'll be alone in a world that I'll never fit into." I nodded taking her hand into mine as I pulled her out of our suite toward the cafe.

"I've gotta call my father to make arrangements you go ahead inside." I kissed her cheek lightly grabbing my phone from my pocket.

"Darling, you graduate tomorrow congrats! Your mother would be proud, sorry I can't make it." My fathers voice boomed joyfully.

"Thank you, Gemma is coming home with me, there's no need for you to come now we shall be there tomorrow night after graduation."

"Oh dear! I have to prepare for her arrival, will she be in your room or her own?"

"Probably best she has her own space father, this adjustment will be hard." I spoke hoping this was the right decision.

"Also make sure there is a job lined up for her, she needs to use her degree on something. She'll make a remarkable teacher, showing the kids her own point of view from a human's perspective."

"Reminds me of your mother dear, she would've loved her. I will be ready for her arrival, fly safe my love. Till tomorrow."

"Goodbye Dad."

I quickly rushed toward the cafe sitting down next to Gemma and across from Rachel. The usual table full of cheerleaders except this time only the seniors. Gemma slid my plate toward me, thanking her I began to dig in.

"So you two are leaving tomorrow now as well? Gem told me you are moving too live near your father." Rachel spoke as she smiled brightly.

"Um, yeah my father needs my help with the family business so we agreed it's best we go together. Plus there's some great schools that would love to have a new teacher." Rachel beamed grabbing our hands squealing excitedly.

"I knew you would last! Forever couple right here, make sure to contact me as much as possible! And I love you guys, since we're all  leaving tomorrow I figured tonight we say our goodbyes." Gemma and Rachel continued conversing tearing up as they said they spoke.

Once dinner was over we said our final goodbyes and parted ways.

"Saphrina can we wait till tomorrow to meet your "dragon" I really just wanna enjoy my final day of being an ignorant human." Gemma spoke softly staring at the buildings all around us walking slowly.

"Sure Gem anything you want." Kissing her hand lightly as we continued on.

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