Ch. 17

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Gemma's POV

"HELLO!" I screamed into the dark abyss I found myself in. I felt I had been stuck here for years. My body felt lifeless all I could hear were faint voices echoing through the darkness. I could hear Saphrina but when I shouted back to her I was met with no reply.

"Tomorrow my love you will come back to me, I just hope you don't hate me for it." Saphrina's voice sounded once again. Hate? How could I ever hate this beautiful woman.

"It's almost time." A voice spoke to me that I didn't recognize.

"Hello? Hello!" I yelled but to no avail I was still alone in this place staring at nothing but darkness. More time passed as time dragged slowly, not being able to respond but hear everything around me was torture.

"I pray this works." I heard Saphrina speak as my body was finally moved from its original spot. I was being carried, to where, I had no idea but I could feel the air as she flew us away.

Soon my body was laid down once again but this time on a hard cold surface. Wanting to shiver from its touch but my body again didn't react.

Chanting began soon after, echoing off the walls of the room I lay. The language completely unrecognizable, a bright light soon drowning out the noise as I ran toward it. Walking through a door shown a beautiful meadow with a waterfall ahead of me.

"Gemma what has happened to you?" A man I had never seen spoke to me softly. His appearance hard yet trusting, a godly like aurora surrounding him, he felt safe and inviting.

"Where am I, who are you?" I spoke softly afraid to upset the man.

"Oh my child they have broke you!" He smiled sadly approaching me, standing beside me grabbing my hand softly he walked me toward the waterfall where he had just stood.

"Look here." He pointed as we stood directly in front of the waterfall, hovering over the water below. My eyes following his hand as a reflection stared back at me.

A girl who looked just like me reflected back, only her eyes were dark with specs of red and white. Her hair a dark auburn with white highlights, my eyes traveled over the mirrored image of myself seeing the talons and fangs she had. My hand touched hers as a jolt came from the waterfall.

"Finally I'm back!" A voice echoed through my head as my body crumpled to the floor. Our bodies became one as my body thrashed in pain, my skin ripping off my back to let my wings free. Talons breaking from my fingertips, my teeth enlarged and pointed, reaching my face as it constructed into a snout. I screamed in agony as my body burned from the inside out.

"You are whole again my dear, please look at your reflection again." Kukulkan spoke, his dragon now standing in front of me. I remembered his portrait in the temple. I looked at him in awe as I ran to the waterfall.

 I looked at him in awe as I ran to the waterfall

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(Gemma above)

I was amazed at my reflection, the dragon staring back at me was truly incredible. I was smaller than Kukulkan by a lot but he smiled down at me in pride.

"We are beautiful aren't we?" A voice rang out again.

"Who are you?" I yelled out looking around.

"I'm Giovanna, Gemma I'm your dragon." She spoke proudly smirking in our reflection.

"So I am a dragon now." I spoke softly pondering what happened in my head.

"You really don't remember anything do you?" Giovanna spoke.

"No I don't just that I was hurt and now I'm here. What happened?" I spoke curiously as my body transformed back to human form.

"In due time my dear everything will make sense. Now go, go be with your love!" Kukulkan spoke. My ears perked up excited to finally see Saphrina. I ran back toward the abyss that formed in front of me.

Once again being greeted by another blur of light my eyes snapped open being met with a worried Saphrina.

"Gemma you're awake." She spoke softly sounding scared. Her eyes drifting to her fathers who had his hand on her shoulder. Refusing to meet my eyes I looked around at the temple we were in, everyone's faces holding fear or shock.

"What's going on?" I spoke softly coming back to stare at Saphrina.

"You and I have a lot to discuss Gemma. Your dragon was not at all what we expected." A single tear dropped from her eyes as she scooped me into her arms flying us toward the castle.

Worry filled my racing heart as I tried to remain calm. Saphrina refused to even glance at me the whole way home. Setting me on her bed as she changed into clothes.

"We saw your transformation. I'm assuming you know what dragon you are?" Saphrina spoke carefully keeping distance from me.

"I'm red and white, so I know I have air elements like you." I spoke carefully unsure of what else she meant.

"Yes, you also have red which is a fire element. It seems you were gifted a royal dragon, why we're not sure yet. But that isn't the concern, fire dragons don't live amongst us." She spoke calmly trying to not get upset.

"What do you mean?" I asked fearfully.

"Fire elements can't control themselves, my uncle Lucius watches over them in his kingdom. Farthest away from all others, he's the only fire dragon of his kind to master 2 elements and contain his fire."

"What do you mean I can't contain it?" I said angrily as a bolt of fire lit up a plant sitting on the windowsill. Instantly causing Saphrina to cower, using a burst of wind to extinguish it.

"I still haven't mastered my second element yet Gemma, all dragons are born with just one. And royals are the only ones who can learn more. But fire is the most dangerous element of all, it consumes the mind of dragons and causes them to have outbursts of anger. Only few people can actually handle it without going completely insane." She continued.

"You were gifted a royal dragon soul and you have the potential to master air along with fire, which will help calm the fire side and help any future outbursts. But until you can control and master both we have to send you to train with Lucius." Tears pooled from our eyes as she ran to hug me.

"Gemma I'm so sorry, I have no idea why you were given these elements. But I promise I'll be here for you to return." She held me closely whispering sweet nothings into my ears. The burned flower staring back at me as I knew it was for the best.

"I will master them quickly and return to you my love." I spoke kissing her softly as our bodies melted into each other.

"I'm sorry Gemma but we must leave now" Lucius spoke entering the room, a man beside him chanting something as a portal opened.

"I will see you soon my love. I will wait for you." Saphrina spoke softly hugging me tightly.

"I love you Sap, I'll be back soon." I spoke kissing her head before leaving the bed. Grabbing Lucius arm I entered the portal.

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