Ch 13

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Phaedra's POV

"Fade are you ready?"  Ophir asked. My eyes focused on his clothes we've been practicing in. Black muscle shirt and lose black pants allowing him to maneuver easily. Leather chest armor covered his mid section slanting up to one shoulder, and cuffs of his wrist reaching mid way up his arm. A short blue cape attached to his back stopping at his knees.

"Of course she's ready Ophir!" Vesper spoke my eyes now landing to her uniform. Tightly fitted top and shorts, while a short blue cape was wrapped around her shoulders and waist. It ended about mid thigh and exposed her arms, who only had long gloves to cover them.

Looking to myself in the mirror once again, a plain black outfit is all I chose with a long blue cape. I would be in my dragon form ripping my clothes anyways. We agreed to have blue capes on our uniforms to match, showing our unity.

"A team that looks together stays together" Ophir spoke while showing us the capes he had made.

I laughed lightly at the memory as I heard Augustus call the other team. Quickly finishing my hair into a tight bun we readied ourselves at the entrance, I led with them by my side both an arm on my shoulder.

"Remember we fight together, if one is starting to weaken we rush to their aid." I mind linked them already transforming into my half form. Most didn't know my dragon was male, it was very rare to have an opposite sex. But when my transformation started I soon realized woman weren't meant to have male parts. My family hid my secret from everyone and not even Saphrina knew from the waist down I was a male.

"You love being half male, people disregard you for being female, it's a nice secret weapon!" Phames, my dragon spoke smugly. I grimaced while concentrating back on the king.

"FIGHT!" My body reacted quickly using obstacles to block the blows from the other team. Watching them train we knew they were quick, throwing abilities out too keep us back.

"They're going to tire out before the match has even begun. Continue blocking, they're being careless!" I linked rushing away from the tower I hid behind as it crumbled under a surge of air.

The smaller of the two dragons were throwing abilities everywhere trying to focus on all of us instead of one. Ophir noticed this, using his hands conjuring a ball of energy hitting the dragon in the side causing him to crash. He stood up angrily transforming into his full form rushing toward Ophir.

I drew my attention away seeing him handling the dragon with ease. Vesper and the fairy were dead locked in a fight, she was moving to fast for the fairy to land a shot.

"AHHHHHH!" A scream of anger was heard before a loud rumble of the ground.

The largest dragon had fully transformed, his eyes staring into mine as he watched me carefully. I maneuvered through the pillars encasing myself in a water shield, smashing through pillars and rock that lay in my way. Before I reached him a large ball of air pushed against me sending me to the ground. He laughed while rushing at me teeth barring, another orb in his claw.

Right as the orb left his hands I readied my body for the blow, but felt nothing as I saw Ophir conjuring a wall that blocked his attack and sent it back his way, which was dodged. I dusted myself off pushing off the ground, my wings carrying me too the large dragon. I lapped circles trying to dodge his countless balls of air, I rained bullets of water crystallizing as they pelted into his scales. He cried in pain as they relentlessly fell before retreating behind a cloud. I followed ready to pelt him again but he charged through the cloud, throwing me toward the arena walls pinning me against it.

Our team was being pinned from all angles, Ophir and the smaller dragon were deadlocked fighting and dodging neither getting the upper hand. The fairy had finally caught Vesper pinned into a corner throwing all her energy as the poor vampire continued backing further into the wall.

"My turn!" Phames spoke while taking full control. My full form matched the larger dragons stance, I stood only a bit taller but confusion flooded his teams face. Using all my weight and their distraction at my appearance, I shoved into the larger dragon sending him to the ground. Flying high into the arena, I could feel the energy flow through me as I sent waves of electrified water toward the other two enemies. Both crashing into pillars allowing Vesper and Ophir to gain the upper hand.

"YOU FORGOT ME!" The larger dragon roared flying toward me using his powers to thrust his wings crashing into my stomach. I roared in pain as the air from my lungs emptied, my wings trying to catch my fall as I crashed into the sand below. Sparks of pain shot through my body as my visioned blurred. He approached me laughing ready to send the finishing blow, a vine stopped him in his tracks. His eyes peered down in confusion as more vines wrapped around him.

"This is cheating what's going on?" He shouted as the vines continued working onto him to restrain his arms and wings.

"Silly dragon underestimated the power of a dragon who holds two elements?" Gasps were heard through the crowd of those who didn't already know my identity.

"Only royals have more than one!" He shouted, fear and anger present as his friends tried rushing to his aid.

"Tsk tsk, guess you've forgotten who the king rescued." Realization crossed his features as a boulder crashed into his head, knocking him unconscious. The realization also threw off the fairy and other dragon allowing Ophir to send a pillar crashing into the dragons back, and Vesper sending a fist to the fairy. All three hit the floor as the crowd roared loudly.

"OUR WINNERS!" Augustus yelled as my body transformed back to human. Quickly being covered by a cape from Vesper, her lips placed on mine in a haste kiss. She pulled away hugging Ophir as they cheered. My face drained of all color as my eyes found Saphrina, her face screwed in rage as steam visibly flew from her nostrils.

Her eyes met mine as she hastily stood grabbing Gemma's hand and pulling her into a light kiss before disappearing behind the thrones. My heart ached as I turned toward my team, smiling through the pain to focus on our victory.

"Phaedra I'm sorry for kissi-." I cut her off by hugging them both tightly exiting the arena.

"Congratulations your duties will start now. The party tonight will host many outsiders, you are to remain in eyesight of the princess and her mate!" August spoke as shivers rose up my spine. Mate, starting to believe they don't exist for me.

"Yes your majesty." We spoke bowing our heads as he smiled proudly, winking at me before leaving.

"I need to bathe, I smell disgusting!" Ophir shrieked running toward the locker rooms.

"Phaedra you okay?" Vesper spoke as my eyes met hers.

"I'm fine Ves just tired, I haven't used both my elements like that in a long time. It's very draining." She nodded in understanding rubbing my back lightly as we walked toward the showers.

Once cleaned up we separated, heading to our rooms to dress for the party. We had to blend in while also making others aware we were working. Lost in thought I continued my journey pondering on different outfits.

"Father, how can they ensure our safety? The vampire couldn't even handle a fairy let alone a dragon!" Saphrina's voice sounded from her fathers study. My movement ceased as I stood out of sight using my senses to hear clearly.

"Saphrina! I've had enough of your nonsense, you saw how they handled it! They are no less a guard than you are a princess!" Saphrina sighed angrily about to interject before her father continued.

"And before you say it, Phaedra does not want to be a princess anymore at this time! The loss of her kingdom took away her need to reign. She asked me multiple times to try out for guard and I too disregarded her. They have proven themselves not only today but many times they are capable. Not you or anyone else is saying otherwise, my decision is final!" I smiled smugly, appalled Saphrina still didn't trust my abilities in keeping her safe.

Rushing away I entered my room sighing loudly plopping on my bed ready to sleep. My eyes drifted shut as sleep succumbed my body, I needed to train my powers more.

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