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Just a quick thank you to everyone for reading, you are most amazing people and it's made writing this such an absolute pleasure! I've loved reading all the comments you guys have left and seeing all your theories about what's about to happen! And also a quick thank you to Alicia for being the most amazing partner to write this with! Through everything she's always been on top of posting schedules and keeping me on top of them too. You're a legend, Ally!
Until the next one, it's mission accomplished!
Love you guys! ♥️♥️

I won't idle away too long so I'll make this quick. A general thank you to all of you wonderful readers who have stuck with us to this end. Whether you came from AKFA, our own platforms, or are brand new, a hello and thank you from me goes out to you. Your comments always brightened my day, and I'm sure they also brightened Abbi's day. Speaking of Abbi, I want to thank you, darling. Not only have you been a wonderful co-writer & have shocked me multiple times with the beautiful twists and turns you've created, but you've also been the best co-writer anyone could simply ask for. Words are not enough to describe it.
Oh, and if you never got a lesson from this book, let me give you one. Remember one thing: in, out, & through it like a proper spy (I'm pretty sure James & Lily would have taught their kids that so I thought I'd share it).
That was longer than I expected, but oh well (insert shrug here).
Unfortunately, I'll have to say a bittersweet bye now because it's another book closed (another mission successfully over, if I may). Until next time, wonderful readers. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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