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Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu.
Peace and love and blessings be upon you.

Long time no see? *dodges tomatoes and eggs*


Ahhh how can I make this short and to the point? Okay so- (In Sha Allah to all)

1) There are going to be updates (till the end) so Trust Me book is finally going to be complete. *Squeals*

2) There is going to more of writing content, but most probably on instagram. I haven't started the page yet so stay posted here and I will update you guys about it. It would mean the world to me if you'd support it. (Edit- I started the page https://www.instagram.com/oureyes_tell/ )

3) Okay. This one is kind of scary. I edited Trust Me on my laptop and I am going to replace the wattpad version with the last version. That means all of those rereaders are going to have major dejavu feelings XD. The edited version I might add is the closest to the original characters, to the original essence that I want to convey. You guys have shown so much love and support to the point my book is +1M reads so I am scared to add the changed version. However, I really need to do this. Otherwise, I can't love my own book the way I want to. I improved the flow of book, added more sensible scenes, addressed problematic and toxic behaviours all which the 16 year old me was not mature enough to understand. I also improved the grammar as much as I could, added more depth and growth. And it just makes more sense. Don't worry the last version is not that different. Some might not even notice the difference. I just wanted to perfect the story as much as I could. Alhamdulillah. I am done with reuploading Chapter 1 to Chapter 66 so it is now the latest version of the book. You can read from start till end or continue from Chapter 67 onwards for new updates.

4) If you are still reading, congratulations. I dedicate this ❤ to you. If someone is interested in me, as a person/online presence and wants to explore more of my content, I am planning in the future to also add content besides writing. (What it is, is a surprise :P) But stay tuned. I hope you enjoy it as much as my writing.

In Sha Allah again to all of the above.
I never thought this day would come.
But here it is.

P.S. It would nice if you could follow me, but it up to you :) You'd get my announcements that way.

Stay blessed y'all. Ameen.

P.S. How many times have you read Trust Me and what do you love about it the most?

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