Ending note

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Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu.

How are you all doing?

I hope you enjoyed the final updates.

I feel really sad to say goodbye to Trust Me and the characters. They have been with me since I was 12 years old and now I am 23 Alhamdulillah. Every step of my life is deeply attached to it. I had to be in a certain place when I began writing it, when I rewrote it, when I paused it, when I started again and completed it.

Every time I revisited the book, I made it more and more painful. In a way, it was my pain accumulating over the same characters, the same incidents. I wished to convey a message of hope in the most painful way, but somewhere along the book I realized that I could only write about pain because I first need to experience hope to write it. If the last five years had not happened, if the events of this year specifically had not happened, this would be still incomplete.

I was looking for an answer and I found it. Alhamdulillah. How to turn thorns into roses. How to turn fear and pain into hope.

Thank you for being the best readers. I am grateful that I have people who read and listen.

Share your thoughts with me. :)

Jazakallah Khairun. Vote, comment and share. Follow me on insta @oureyes_tell if you wish to read more content from me.

Stay blessed Ameen.

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