Chapter 78

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Ahmed is the one who answers the door. He seems startled to see us together, but he quickly recovers and lets us in, wishing us Eid greetings. We nervously follow him inside but halt in the foyer.

"Um, everyone's already here," he informs us as if to prepare us. "Make yourself comfortable, Abeer. I am heading out to meet some friends," Ahmed gestures in the direction of the drawing room, but even though I have let go of Azar's hand, I hesitate to leave his side. "Azar, can I talk to you for a minute?" Ahmed prompts, but Azar too seems reluctant to split up.

"We are together," Azar blurts out, and I would have smiled if I wasn't so stressed myself. "We are officially together," he repeats, slowly this time.

Ahmed looks back and forth between Azar and me and then lets out a sigh of relief. "That is great news, Azar." He pats Azar's arms to congratulate him. "Welcome back, Abeer."

"Thanks," I mutter.

An uncomfortable silence lingers in the air, but before it builds up more, Ahmed observes, "You both look very nervous. You sure you want to do this today?"

"Yes," Azar and I reply in unison.

Ahmed chuckles and then says, "Okay. I can cancel my plans—"

"You don't have to, Ahmed," Azar cuts in. "We are okay. We are going to be okay." Even though they are words of assurance, I cannot unnotice the desperation I hear in them.

Ahmed argues again, but upon Azar's insistence, he leaves. However, he advises us to talk to Maliha before we explain to the family. I go to the kitchen with Azar trailing behind me.

Maliha, like Ahmed, seems astounded at our sudden appearance, but then quickly recovers and hugs me. After saying the Eid wishes, she eyes Azar and me. I sense a wave of shame creeping up in my body, but I push it down. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

"Are you sure about this, Abeer?" She repeats Ahmed's question, her tone kind and worried. "Because I swear to God, if this turns out to be another one of your games, Azar, you will have to deal with the worst of me."

Maliha waits for Azar to retort, but the threat seems to render Azar speechless. I can tell he is as nervous as I am. We don't want to mess this up. Not again. "No more games, Maliha," I respond before he can. "Don't judge him too harshly. There is always more than what meets the eye. I trust him. I know him," I pause, but she still seems unsure, so I emphasize, "Maliha, I want this. I. It is my choice to give a chance."

That seems to calm her and Azar too, as his body beside mine relaxes a bit. "I am happy for you," she hugs me once more and adds to Azar, "No hard feelings?"

"No hard feelings," he manages to confirm.

Maliha shows me where to hang my abaya and scarf. I look at myself in the mirror, and behind the façade of the dress and makeup, I see an afraid, desperate girl- Raheesh's angel.

I shake my head.

I can be more. I will be more. I am more.

I turn around to leave the room. My eyes meet Azar's in the corridor, who is waiting for me to come. As I walk towards him, something inside me shifts. Time seems slower as I try to weigh in that I am going to be spending the rest of my life with him. I cannot look away from his eyes, and I keep thinking of the dream, which finally seems to piece together in my heart. Light. We will be each other's light.

When I reach him, he offers me his arm. I take it, and then we enter the drawing room. All conversations halt as we walk in; all eyes are on us.

There is an awkward silence that takes over the room. I tighten my grip on Azar's arm, and he places his hand over mine.

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