Chapter 14

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Mom is delighted to see Azar, and Mrs. Noor is to see Maliha and me. We sit together in the waiting lounge, and I scroll through awkward moments online, wondering whether I would find the one I am going through right now.

I was very nervous about meeting Maliha's cousins, but now I want them to arrive as soon as possible. I thank Allah when Pops comes back with Maliha's uncles, followed by their families.

Maliha's maternal side of the family is huge, but only Mom's sister Sajdah and Mom's brother Kamal and their families can come before the wedding.

Aunty Sajdah was widowed in her early thirties and has a son, Wasim, who is a few years older than Maliha and is unmarried. Maliha told me he doesn't want to marry because the girl he loved in university died in a car crash, and he has not moved on.

Aunty Sajdah also has a daughter Zaina who is older than Wasim. She is married, and she came along with her husband, Arslan. They have a three-year-old daughter Hooriya and a baby boy Sami.

Uncle Kamal came with his wife Yasmin, and has two daughters, Jana and Sana, who are fifteen and fourteen years old respectively, and one son, Kareem, who is eleven years old.

They all say Assalamualikum together. Zaina gives Sami to Arslan and hugs Maliha while Mom introduces Aunty Sajdah and Aunty Yasmin to Mrs. Noor, and Pops introduces Mr. Hussain, Ahmed, and Azar to Uncle Kamal, Wasim, and Arslan.

Hooriya comes running toward me and engulfs me in a tight hug. I am surprised she recognizes me in veil, but I guess kids have a sixth sense in these matters. I kiss her head and say, "Assalamualikum. How are you my Hoor?"

"Wa ali kummusalam," she can barely say it properly. "Ana, Ana, Ana!!!" Ana is what Hooriya calls me. "Did you see my brother?"

"Yeah, Ma Sha Allah, Sami is very cute like you," I remark, lightly pinching her cheeks. I can feel Azar's eyes on me, but I totally ignore him.

"Who is he?" Hooriya asks me, giving Azar a weird look.

"He is my son. He is marrying your Ana," Mrs. Noor tells her, smiling affectionately at her.

"Assalamualikum," Azar and Ahmed say together to Aunty Sajdah and Aunty Yasmin.

"Walaikumusalam beta."

"Ma Sha Allah, Ma Sha Allah," Aunty Yasmin comments. "Very handsome sons-in-law..."

"Yeah, as good looking as the photos you sent," Aunty Sajdah says to Mom.

Azar and Ahmed look at Mrs. Noor at the same time, and she shows her palms in defense. "I sent it to Eshaal, and she sent it to them. Come on you two, why do you even take pictures if you want no one to see?"

Hooriya is tugging at my sleeve. "Ana! I missed you so much, why don't you live with us?"

"Hooriya, won't you meet Maliha api?" Zaina calls out, and I feel a little tinge in my chest as I realize that Zaina still tries to keep Hooriya away from me. She didn't even greet me properly. Hooriya goes and shakes hands with Maliha and replies in short answers shyly to whatever Maliha asks her.

The ladies start talking among themselves, and Kareem starts asking Azar and Ahmed questions in fascination, and the two of them, being themselves, are showing off to him in every way possible. Azar is trying to impress the kid, but it seems Ahmed, on the other hand is trying to get Maliha's attention.

"So... are you excited?" Sana asks me enthusiastically.

"Why wouldn't she be?" Jana says. "She is getting new clothes and so much attention, and soon they will put Mehndi too."

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