Chapter 22

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Everyone comes to me in swarms. I don't know who was hugging me and congratulating me. I don't know what I mumbled back and whether I smiled or not. I didn't even realize when the tears slipped. I just know they are choking me, strangling me. The darkness is calling me, tempting me to let it swallow me, telling me it will be easier to just give in to it. I can hear him too. He keeps calling out for me. The angel and his laughter muffle together with the people's mabrook, echoing in my head.

I see nothing but a tall wall in front of me, and he, his back is facing me. I can hear him scratching his knife against the wall, and he keeps mumbling under his breath,

"Jack and Jill went up the hill

to fetch a pail of water.

Jack fell down the well and drowned

and Jill ran home soon after.

Jack's body started to rot

after a couple of days went by,

and the contaminated water

caused everyone in town to die."

"Abeer!" Maliha calls out, and I gasp. "Are you okay? You look very shaken."

"I'm fine," I lie, my voice croaky. "It's time for my medicine. Have you seen Mom?"

"I think I saw her heading that way," she gestures at a room.

"Thanks," I say and walk away from the hall as quickly as I can. I don't even knock and enter straight away. Mom and Mrs. Noor are inside, and they stop talking upon my sight.

"Sorry, I should have knocked," I apologize.

"No, no, it's okay," Mrs. Noor dismisses. "We were just discussing how to call Ahmed and Azar here, to the women's hall. We are planning to put the spotlight on the stage and switch off the rest of the lights, but Eshaal reminded me you cover your face from Ahmed."

I give Mom a grateful look and then say to Mrs. Noor, "Why don't you call them separately?"

"Yeah, that is what I was suggesting," Mom smiles at my suggestion. "Abeer can come down the stage for a while, and Ahmed can come and sit with Maliha for some time, and then Azar can come."

"Yeah, that's good. Wait let me call Hussain," Mrs. Noor says and takes out her mobile.

While she is busy on the phone, I talk to Mom in a low voice, "Mom, my fever is going very high. You have my medicine, right?"

"Yes," she responds, her brows furrowing. "Abeer, the medicine will make you very drowsy. You sure you can handle it?"


She gives me the medicine and then congratulates me, "Mabrook, Abeer. You are a married woman, now." Her eyes are shimmering with tears.

"Eshaal, makeup!" Mrs. Noor reminds, keeping her phone in her clutch. Mom sucks her tears back,, and Mrs. Noor laughs. "It always works."

We head outside, and the hall's lights are switched off, and the spotlight is put on. Mrs. Noor who is standing beside me, says, "Abeer, I have an idea. Why don't you and Azar take pictures while Maliha and Ahmed are on the stage?"


"Come on," she insists and starts leaving. It is hard to follow her through the crowd as I feel dizzy and find it hard to breathe.

At last, we reach the room, and as she opens the door, I find Azar waiting inside. He stands up when I enter, and I don't dare to look at him, but I can feel his piercing gaze on me.

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