Chapter 24

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"I have a condition too," I hear myself saying. Abeer, what are you doing?! No! A voice inside me is hysterically screaming. "As you said, we are madly in love with each other in front of the world, but behind the curtains we are strangers, I want you to oblige by your own rules."

"Don't beat around the bush, angel," Azar presses, annoyed.

"You will not..." I look away from him as I mumble. "You will not touch me."

Azar chuckles, and to my utter dismay, he comes closer. "I am not bound by your rules, angel. I can do whatever I want to. This is my territory and you're just a prisoner here."

I swallow the bile that rises up to my throat, and I am still surprised by his harsh words. He stooped too low.

"Let me go..." I beg him, my hands on his feet.

He bends down and pulls my hair. "How can you even ask me that, my angel? You are a prisoner in my territory."

".... so good for you, angel." I hear the second half of what Azar's saying. "I don't want to. In fact," he says, as he moves back, "I would have no pleasure in doing so."

You are not wanted. I repeat in my head to calm myself, but I wish my relief was not accompanied by the unexpected, overwhelming humiliation of being told that I was undesirable.

"Now, I hope I don't have to repeat myself," Azar concludes as if we had the most casual chat, sitting on the bed and removing his watch. He lies down and closes his eyes. "Come and sleep, angel. You need to look fresh tomorrow."

"I'm not sharing a bed with you," I manage to say, but Azar is indifferent.

"That's your problem, not mine," he adds and turns off the lamp. "Good night, angel..." Instead of Azar's voice, I hear him.

"Azar!" I shout before I can stop myself.

"What?" Azar yells a little louder, switching on the lights.

"I..." How can I explain? "I am... Can you keep t-the lights on-n?"

"You are still afraid of the dark." It's not a question, just a mere statement. It's peculiar that he remembers, but isn't everything he does? "Wifey, I can't sleep with lights on, so deal with it. And do you want me to force you to come here?"

He switches off the light as he says, and I blurt out again, "Azar!"

Azar flicks on the light with a sigh. "I'm so, so tired, Abeer. Do you really expect me to keep the lights on? I don't care about you and your comfort."

Without answering, I quickly lie down beside him, facing the other way. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Azar turns the light off again.

I'm still in the wedding dress, and I don't even want to change because the nighties Mom packed are not modest at all. I scoot away from Azar so much that I'm almost falling off the bed.

Azar begins to breathe deeply, and I turn to look at him to realize he is fast asleep, his back facing me.

You're pathetic, Abeer, something inside me says. You fear Azar, yet you feel safer with him in the dark.

"You are mine, angel... You are labeled as mine..." I see his eyes sparkling with excitement; he is standing in a corner of the room. "No one can love you more than I do, angel..." He comes closer to the bed, his knife hanging on his belt. I freeze. Please go away. Abeer, it's not real.

"It's as real as it can be angel. When you feel the pain, you will realize that the pain never left. It was just numbed. You just numbed it. But I, Raheesh Zafar..." He takes his knife out. "I will make you acknowledge it. I will make you scream in anguish. You will make me happy, angel... Like you always do...."

The world blends into the dark, and the darkness engulfs me, and I give in to it.

"Master! She is dead!" I see a familiar face. He runs towards me and holds the hilt of the knife in my abdomen, his hands shaking. Tears are leaving his eyes, and I whisper, "Let me die... Have mercy..."

"I can't, I'm selfish, Abeer," he says, his voice trembling. "Master will kill me, Abeer, if you die. Please. Don't die. Stay."

"My angel!" Raheesh exclaims, entering the room. "Get away from my angel!" Raheesh pushes him away. "What happened?"

"Master, I can save her life, let me help," he pleads, looking at me with emotions I can't handle.

"Then do it," Raheesh allows, moving away from me. "If she dies, you know what I am capable of doing to you and Sadia."

"Don't die on me, angel." Raheesh kneels down by my side. "You know how much you mean to me, right?"

"Abeer, please get up!" I hear a distant voice pleading. I feel water splash on my face, and I wake up with a jolt. Immense relief crosses Azar's face which is then instantly replaced by anger.

"Wh-what happened, Azar?" I stutter, sitting up straight.

"Ugh! I could strangle you, angel." Azar swears in frustration.

"Whathave I done?" 


Assalamualikum everyone.

How are you?

Cliffhanger I know. But hey you got to know something new? And something you all were dying to know! Raheesh is him. @RukkyAdams had guessed it.

Short, but I hope it's worth it.

What I want to know in the comments:

1) A new character has been introduced in the dream. How are your feelings towards him? Who do you think this new him is?

2) I hope Azar didn't make you mad in this chapter. (Zuha and haya especially :P) He still remembered she afraid of the dark? Any opinions on this?

3) Why do you think Abeer feels safer with Azar? Do you think it is a bad thing or a good thing?

4) Favorite line(s)

5) Favorite scene(s)

6) How was the chapter overall?

7) Do you know anyone with the names my book characters have? :p

I have a bad news. Brace yourselves.

I'll have no net for many days. So I won't be able to update any soon. I'll try to use my Mom's 3G but there is no guarantee that it will work.

Jazakallah Khairun for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to vote. Stay tuned and stay blessed Ameen.

Come on people why aren't there any questions in the discussion :( I thought you all have many questions regarding this book.

In case you want to ask something now the link is here:

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