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Time passes painfully, as it hurts every single time Maliha and I look at each other and give each other fake smiles. The thing is, I am too used to playing pretend. No one ever knows what I am thinking. No one can figure me out, but sometimes I wish someone catches my lie. I wish someone throws away my mask and demands the truth from me.

"I want you to show me your true self."

I vividly remember how Azar kept bothering me at school and saying this. I don't know what he wanted me to show, what truth he was looking for in me, but whatever it is, he hates me with or without it.

I wish I could escape the celebrations because I feel like everything is mocking me. Today is my and Maliha's Mehndi ceremony. Everyone in the house is very cheerful and excited. The elders are busy checking the guest list, and the girls are dressing up, all in yellows yet all of them look one of a kind.

When we were buying our dresses for the ceremony, I had chosen the simplest dress. I didn't want to look nice. If the spotlight is what Maliha wanted, then the spotlight she is getting. The only jewelry I wear is the ring and the bangles.

Jana offers to style my hair, and I am quite glad she asked because I was too tired to think of a style. As Jana French-braids my hair, she asks me. "Aren't you excited?"

"Yes, I am," I answer in a bored voice. I am too tired to even try to convince her.

"You don't look excited," she observes. "Are you feeling okay? Did you sleep well?"

"I'm feeling fine, Jana, don't worry," I tell her.

Maliha enters the room, and she looks stunning. She is wearing natural makeup and has lace braided her hair from the top and straightened the rest of her hair. "Abeer and Jana! Which studs look better on me?"

"These ones," Jana chooses immediately. I am not really interested so I just go along with whatever Jana said.

"Abeer, you look great," Maliha compliments, looking at me through the reflection.

"You look amazing too, Ma Sha Allah," I reply, avoiding her eyes. "Is my hair done?"

"Yep," Jana chirps.

"Jazakallah Khairun," I thank her. Maliha exits the room, and Hooriya comes running toward me.

"Aw! You look so pretty, just like a Hoor," I say, pinching her cheeks.

"I am a Hoor," she giggles and sets up her small scarf. "You look very nice too, Ana. I came here to tell you that Eshaal Aunty is calling you."

"Okay, I'm coming," I say, taking my scarf and veil from the bed.

"No, Ana, don't wear this. You look so beautiful," Hooriya tugs, tugging at my sleeve.

"Hoor, I am wearing this because I am special," I tell her, the words sounding strange on my tongue.

I hear him say, "Yes you are, angel. You are special because I chose you."

I shake my head. "I'm special, Hoor, so only special people can see my beauty like you, Mom, Pops, Jana..."

"Oh... So even I should cover my face then because I am special too," Hooriya concludes, holding her scarf.

"Hoor, you are very special but people don't know that. When you grow up and be of Jana's age then people will know that my Hoor is special, and then you can cover if you like okay?" She looks at me with concern.


"Now, let's go, or Aunty Eshaal will be angry."

Mom is in the kitchen, packing dishes she has prepared for Azar's family. "Ma Sha Allah, my beautiful daughter," she exclaims.

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