Mistake in chapter 59

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Um so I have had a hard time fixing a plot hole of my story. I think it is not fair to Abeer that her past is not justified in the court. I have removed the entire story regarding the sister and stuff. This is the part where Abbas talks to Abeer about Raheesh and the organization.

I have edited in the chapter and I am adding the changed part here.


"The organization... do they know we know?"

"Ah, glad you reminded me," Abbas approves. "They want nothing to do with Raheesh and his mistakes. So I beg you to not mention them in your statement."

"Are you sure they will not come after me?" I ask him. "Or Azar or my family?"

"Yes, Abeer," he emphasizes. "Raheesh failed them, and they will not take accountability for his doings. Your case is sensitive since it is going to court, and the media will be involved at some point. He harmed you twice, and both times you got away. Why would they meddle with you now? How will it benefit them?"

"What if they harm more people, Abbas?" I voice out my real concern. "I don't want more me in this world. I don't want anyone to experience what I have."

Abbas observes me instead of replying immediately.

"What?" I counter, puzzled.

"Don't you want to be safe, Abeer?" He asks with concern, and the word lodges in my throat. Safe. He wants me to be safe. "If you go after them, these people will kill you. Kill the family of yours that is left. Maybe do worse than killing. You, more than anyone, know how worse these people can get. Don't you want to be happy for once?"

I feel a pang in my heart. Happy. How can I be happy if I have lost everyone and everything I loved?

Abbas glances at the lift from the police who are going to arrive. "After your case is closed, after the court decision, I will open a case against the organization and file a case that they offered me to join them. You can stay out of it."

"You can't just take it all on you," I protest despite everything. What is wrong with this guy? "They will come after you then."


So after this Abeer goes to the mosque, meets an old, blind, dying lady that offers Abeer to stay with her and Abeer meets Azar as well and they part their ways.

So here to clarify what this means 

The court and the world now know that Raheesh kidnapped Abeer at 10-11 age and he and Abbas kidnapped her again recently. The court knows now that Raheesh has a history of violence, but they do not know he is from a terrorist organization. The organization won't come after Abeer or the family or the case because they want to associate with Raheesh's mistakes. This is way the truth about what Raheesh did to Abeer comes out.

The only thing not mentioned in the court will be the organization. Later when Abbas is released he has promised to go after them. He will tell the police that they tried to recruit him. It has nothing to do with Abeer.

What do you guys think? Does it all make sense?

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