Chapter 74

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Ms. Neela wakes me up around Iftar. My head feels heavy as I go down to the hall to eat with everyone. I find that Azar is yet again surrounded by the kids. They grill him about their Eid presents, but he skillfully dodges their questions one after the other. I smile to myself at the sight, and I notice the staff sharing amused looks too.

"Assalamualikum Abee!" the children greet me in a sing-song manner when they see me. Azar has a huge smile on his face as if he is proud of them for doing so.

"Walaikumusalam," I sing a bit myself, as I sit beside Azar, and the kids cheer.

"Okay, now we should make duas, guys," Azar reminds with his cupped hands.

They follow him, and then all turn to look at me. Azar nudges his elbow slightly into mine, and I cup my hands, understanding that they are all waiting for me. They close their eyes and start making duas with loud whispers, especially Wafa and Amir, who are determined to be louder than each other. We let them be, and I close my eyes so that I can concentrate.

Ya Rabb, we are nearing the end of Ramadan. Accept from us our worship and efforts and forgive us. Bestow peace and ease for the kids, for my family, for Azar, for all of the Muslims, and help us remember Your countless favors even after Ramadan. Ya Rabb, grant me the strength to do right by You and do right by the Prophet (SAWS), do right by myself and my family. Ameen.

After the Iftar, I take a purity bath and sit in the room, reciting the Holy Quran, trying my best to recite well and catch up to the date.

I stop when it is Tarawih time. I feel nervous as I go to the dorm to find Azar to go to prayer. Even though his bag is in a corner of the dorm, he is not.

I look outside the window towards the playground, but instead of Azar, I find Laith and Hussain. I am about to call them inside but halt when I hear them talking, and a weird sense of calm washes over me as I witness their conversation.

"I am sorry about what I said," Hussain apologizes, and then to my surprise, he pats Laith's head awkwardly even though Laith is taller than him. The gesture makes me wonder if he learned it from Azar. "Are you okay... now?"

Laith moves away from Hussain's touch, but he nods. "You won't tell anyone, right?" He sniffs.

"I won't," Hussain promises. "I think we should go inside now, or we might get into trouble."

Laith agrees, and I shut away the curtain to not make them uncomfortable with my presence.

I roam around a bit more as I search for Azar. I stop when I see him holding Rayan in the corridor, where he is conversing with the warden. Rayan's head rests on Azar's shoulder, and one of his tiny hands is playing with Azar's hair at the back. The sight causes a jolt in my stomach.

"Oh Madam Abeer," the warden acknowledges as I near them. Azar turns around and looks apparently flustered at my appearance.

"I see you have met Rayan," I say, unable to hold my smile back. "I hope you weren't telling him about the shopping earlier."

"I totally was telling him about how he was about to get the cutest pink shirt, but you didn't let me," Azar mocks lightheartedly. That is when Rayan tightens the grip on Azar's hair. "Ow!"

I let out a laugh at the timing of it all and at how unbothered Rayan looks as if he isn't doing anything. I hesitate but then move closer to Azar and pry off his grip. Azar hands him over to the warden. "I guess he didn't want a pink shirt either."

"Probably," I solemnly approve.

"Pink clothes?" The warden asks, confused.

"Yeah, for Eid," I tell her.

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