Chapter 79

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I wake up quite tired the next day. I don't remember my dreams except for the uneasiness I had throughout the night. I start the day with a cup of coffee, hoping the caffeine boost will help with the fatigue. Even though I am tired and wish to spend the day in bed, I tell myself I'll be better once I am outside. I find Azar in the dining hall. I feel a rush of emotions at the smile he greets me with, and the knot in my chest loosens a little. He pats his side to join him, and I sit down.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks me, and I wonder if he noticed my eyebags.

"Sort of," I reply honestly with a tinge of guilt. Ah, it is not in my control, I remind myself. "What about you?"

"Yes, your arm is quite a comfortable pillow," he teases, and my cheeks turn slightly pink.

"Are you calling me fat?" I joke, shifting the attention to him.

"And this is my cue to shut up," Azar hastens.

"No, go on. Let's hear all about it," I prod further lightly.

"I am afraid I'd have to save describing your beauty for later," he opposes and then looks up at me to catch my reaction, but I remain composed despite the funny feeling in my stomach.

He beckons me to move closer, but I hesitate. I glance around at the table at the kids, but they seem busy in their chatter to notice us. I lean closer to hear what he wants to say but stagger back from him, my jaw dropping at his words.

I push away Azar slightly, flustered, and he laughs, pleased to shatter my façade, but my reaction causes the kids to notice us.

"What did he say? Tell us!" They insist, and I find myself burning and wishing to be invisible.

"I called her beautiful," Azar lies easily, enjoying my discomfort.

Ms. Neela chimes in at our table. "Enough lovebirds. You should save your romantic gestures for the day."

I quickly head out, attempting to avoid Azar and get busy with the arrangements for later.

We are starting the activities early today, and the bus will take us to various spots. According to the place, we will see how much time we spend there.

I consider changing my seat on the bus ride because I feel nervous from earlier, but am unable to as everyone sits where we sat yesterday. I peek a glance at Azar but get caught. His dancing eyes seem to dare me to confront him about earlier, but I purse my lips and look away, determined to not give him the satisfaction.

The place we visit distracts me from my thoughts. It is called the walkway fountain, and it is located near the art street. The kids are drawn towards the fountain and gather around it as soon as we get off the bus. They stick their hands out and giggle giddily at the touch of the flowing water.

 They stick their hands out and giggle giddily at the touch of the flowing water

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I stay back, marveling at the simple yet magnificent creation of Allah. There is just something about water that resonates with our bodies enough to calm them. Everything about it, the way it looks, the way it sounds, the feel of it running over our hands, calms us even before it has quenched our thirsts. Our wish to be around water persists to the point that we are told that one of the wonders of Jannah is rivers flowing by.

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