Chapter 64

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I get out of the car and walk towards Pops. As I near him, I feel conscious of myself. I want to hug him. I want to talk to him about my father. I want to tell him about Basma. I want to tell him about Madam Sabira, but I restrain myself. I clear my throat, and Pops turns around. He pulls me into a side hug as he exclaims, "Abeer! My daughter!"

The words make my heart bleed tears, but I keep my emotions under control. I have to. "Pops. I have missed you." So much that it hurts, I want to say.

"I have missed you too, even more than you have missed me," he replies cheekily, and I smile, letting him have this. "Let's sit inside."

"I am okay here," I hasten, hesitant to enter the place that haunts me.

"Okay, sure," he agrees, maybe understanding why. "I have been meaning to meet you for months now. Not a day has passed since I haven't thought of you, but I was planning a surprise for you, and unfortunately, it took too long."

Pops hands me the files, but I am confused. I wait for him to explain.

"The house is now owned by the government. I know what this place is for you, but I wanted it to be more than that. So I did all I could, and I succeeded. I am turning this house, your house into an orphanage."

I stumble back with the final piece of information. An orphanage?

"I may not know everything that you go through, Abeer," he adds, "but I knew your heart would want this."

I am overwhelmed with what I assume is a delight. Pops continues, not realizing how much it is for me to process, "I have done all the legal works, got approval— God, it really took months—already hired a small staff. All we need is your signature and ta-da! Little funds would help too."

"Pops!" This time I do hug him properly. I feel guilty about how angry and hurt I felt by his abrupt phone call. He was in a hurry to finally tell me this. "I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for me," my voice cracks. "You sheltered me, took care of me when I am not even your real daughter. I am sorry for..." I falter into silence. I can't even explain to him how sorry and grateful I am. "I am sorry for my distant behavior." And for just being me, I add mentally.

"Abeer, I understand why you were distant," he responds, pulling away. "Yes, it did hurt and frustrate Eshaal and me at times, but it is still our job to give you all the love and the space you need to heal. You have been through too much, dear. I wish it could be different."

I smile at him sadly at that. "I am bothered by one thing, though, Pops," I tell him truthfully, fearing I might not get another chance to ask. "Why didn't you and Mom ever come to the court hearings? After what was revealed in the news..."

"Don't you see, Abeer? We were so ashamed of ourselves," he admits remorsefully. "We had wronged you so much, refusing over and over what you were facing and misunderstanding you. We thought maybe our presence would bring you more pain."

That's what I thought about Azar too. That is why I made him leave, but the pain I was trying to escape from never left me.

"No, Pops, I am sorry for putting such an impression," I speak the truth. "I just was so tired and so... alone," I end up saying pathetically.

"Come with me, Abeer," he tempts. "We are here for you."

The invitation hits me like a blow. "Pops..."

"Come on, Abeer, why not?" he argues before I can object. "You have been through a lot, and it is all sorted out now. I had promised your father to take care of you. I want to fulfill that promise."

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