Chapter 55

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I take out the box in which the USB pieces are kept and look at them in despair. I wish I had taken more care of it. I rub my temples, trying to soothe myself. That is when an idea strikes me. Maybe the contents of the USB can be retrieved.

I remember what Ahmed said. "You want anything —any help of any kind— we both will try our best to do all we can."

I have a surge of hope, but it dies almost immediately. I can't ask him now as it is the middle of the night, and besides, what if he insists on seeing what's on the USB? After all, I know Ahmed is a little too curious for his good. I have to give it a try though. It would put Basma out of danger, and maybe it would be quicker.

I pray Fajr, and as I beg Allah to keep everyone safe and in His protection, a terrifying thought sinks me. Why hasn't Raheesh found me yet? He surely knows by now that I have gone, and the first place, he'd look for me is Azar's home. Why has he been so quiet? I push away the depressing thoughts.

I don't have much choice. I had to come here because I couldn't leave without making sure Azar's parents are with him. Whether submitting the USB to the police will work or not, it is definitely worth a try. I have to stay focused. I have to trust Allah.

I look at Azar's shut door and notice the lights are off. I head back to my room, rather restless, glancing at Azar's door every now and then, wondering when he will wake up for Fajr. Feeling a bit reckless, I finally get up and peek into his room. I switch on the lights, and Azar squints his eyes at me and falls back to sleep.

"Azar," I call out weakly.


"Wake up. Fajr time is almost over," I tell him, fiddling with my fingers.


I inch closer to the bed and say a little loudly, "Azar, come now, get up and pray. Don't fuss at me tomorrow about not waking you up."

Azar sits up groggily and looks at me through half-closed eyes. Upon seeing me, his eyes go wide. "Get out of my room."

"I gladly will," I reply, annoyed and hurt. "The only reason I came here was to wake you up for Fajr so that you don't blame me if you overslept."

"Did I ask you to wake me up?" He snaps. "Can't even let me sleep in peace," he mutters to himself. "And besides, I don't pray anymore."

I freeze to my spot, with my jaw open slightly. "Azar—"

"It is none of your business," he cuts in. "Didn't you hear me the first time? Leave!"

Tears threatening in my eyes, I back away from the bed and turn around. I go to my room and read Mom and Pops' messages to distract myself from the pain. Both of their messages are some words of consolation though I can tell that they both were very apprehensive about the USB breaking and both messages end with the question about whether or not there is any way to get a copy of the content.

Brushing away my tears, I reply to them shortly saying: "Yes, but it will take time. I'll tell you the details later."

I wish to take a bath, but I have no clean clothes, so I message Maliha about it and ask whether I could meet her and Ahmed today.

She replies immediately, asking where I would like to meet, and I tell her it would be better if it is at her house.

Around half an hour later, Maliha and Ahmed come to pick me up. "Where is Azar?" Maliha asks anxiously. "You two haven't made up yet?"

I almost laugh at her question. "He is asleep, and no, we aren't going to make up. We both are only doing this for Mama and Baba. Five more days, and I'm gone."

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