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Assalamualaikum( Peace be upon you) my Muslim sisters and brothers, and welcome my non-Muslim friends. 

Before you begin reading this book, this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

If any non-Muslim is reading this book, I would say your willingness is truly appreciated, but if you are reading this book to know about Islam then I would like to tell you that I cover very specific and little topics over Islam in this book. I would urge you to read the Quran's translation in your language to learn Islam because the best book on Islam is the Quran.

Every time Allah or attributes of God are mentioned in the book, it refers to not me (the author), but the actual Creator of All Universes, the One and Only. All prayers are asked from Him alone. The characters and the story is fictional, but the faith and the message is real. In no way, shape or form, I am trying to mimic Allah. (Auzzubillah). It is an example, an explanation of faith in form of fiction.

All good in this book is by Allah's Grace and is His Blessing and all credits goes to Him alone for it and all mistakes and errors are on my part and my sin because I'm a human.

AMAZING FACT: Jews and Christians who are Arabs call their god(s) as Allah even today and use Allah as the Arabic word for God. Muslims believe God is One and they worship Him alone. Muslims aren't allowed to worship any angels, prophets, other famous alive or dead people and if any Muslim does worship or invoke any other creature besides Allah then he/she is not a Muslim. Worshiping or invoking any other creature besides Allah is shirk that is associating partners with Allah.

This is my original writing from my mind and my thoughts alone. Please be kind enough to not steal my idea.

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