Chapter 5

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A pair of strikingly dark green eyes stare back at me. I am unable to look away. I don't know what shocked me more, the fact that anyone can have such eyes or that they belong to Azar Hussain.

He was the guy in my dream or... was he? There are other people with green eyes as well, yet the only thing his eyes remind me of is the dream. But the eyes in my dream were calmer; on the other hand, Azar's seem angry and... sad. Why do they look sad? I must be imagining it. Am I in denial? What if he is the one coming in my dream? What does it mean? Why in the world will Azar Hussain come in my dream before I even met him?

I tear my gaze away from them. "Why are you tearing up?" he asks so tenderly that I almost believe he is concerned.

"Because you are pressing on my bruises," my reply comes out as a whisper, and he immediately lets go of my wrist.

I brush away my tears and look at my wrists. Azar moves toward me hesitantly, but I take several steps back.

"I-I didn't realize..." He doesn't complete it. Did I just hear him stammer?

"No worries. You have already made me aware that you love to hurt me," I recall bitterly and leave the room as quickly as I can.

I walk back to the classroom in a daze, still taken aback by the possibility that Azar could be the one that came in my dream. It is only a dream, how can it harm you, Abeer? I ask myself. The irony of the question drives me almost insane.

When it is time for the school competition, I decide to stay in the class, while the participants go to the auditorium, and the others go outside to roam around.

"Angel, look at you, losing hide and seek again and again."

I get up from my seat, murmuring assurances to myself.

"I'm out of punishments, now? You suggest me some," I see him standing near the board, leaning on the table. "What do you think about boiling water, angel?"

He comes closer, but I am unable to move. "Or maybe hot iron?"

I repeat as I shut my eyes, "Auzu billahi minishaitaan rajeem."

I dash out of the classroom and bump into someone very hard. "Angel, careful..." Azar's soothing voice calms me down despite the fact he called me angel.

I realize I am holding his arms, and his hands are lightly placed on my shoulder. I back away immediately my face burning, and then walk past him. I wish to put so much distance between us, but I don't know why we keep... I shake away the useless thoughts.

"Abeer, listen," he calls, running after me, but I ignore him.

"Azar, please... please leave me alone," I beg him, tired of fighting. I turn and try to go again, but he blocks my way.

"I'll not let you go until you listen to me," he demands.

"Okay, go on," I give up. "I'm listening."

And instead of saying anything, he takes out a medicine tube and removes the cap. He puts his hand forward to put it on himself, but I move away. "Azar, I thought you had to say something."

"Can you stop moving away?" he asks, waving the tube, and despite my anger and exhaustion, my heart softens at the gesture.

"I'll do it myself," I assert, taking it from him and applying some to ease his guilt. "Where did you get the medicine anyway?"

"From the medical room, of course," he pipes in.

"The doctor gave you the medicine without the patient?" I inquire suspiciously. "You stole it, didn't you?"

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