Chapter 51

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About an hour and a half later, I reach Azar's home. The sun has just risen, and I wonder if anyone would be awake at this moment. I press the doorbell quite reluctantly.

I am not ready to see Azar. I hope someone else answers. My prayer is accepted as Mama is the one who answers. "Abeer?" The shock in her voice is clear.

I don't know what to say. I stammer a little, saying gibberish, and then I close my mouth in embarrassment. To my surprise, she pulls me into a tight hug. "Where have you been, dear; we all have been so worried."

"I am sorry I left so abruptly," I sincerely apologize and internally thank Allah that Raheesh hasn't gotten to them yet. "I am sure I came across as very rude and disrespectful. You all must be so upset and confused."

"It is okay, Abeer," she assures, squeezing my hand. We walk inside as she speaks. "We were very unaware of what was happening so naturally— and I am regretful to say— we did react, jumping to conclusions about you. Even the police were suspecting you as you immediately left after Azar was shot, but Azar cleared everything up and closed the case."

Guilt gnaws my insides. I swallow as I push back the raw and confusing emotions as I say, "I want you to know what is happening."

She looks at me, and I see how much she is trying to hide her worry. "Sure. Did Azar come with you?" She asks, glancing at the door.

"No." I can tell she is disappointed. "Where is Baba? I want to talk to you both together if that is okay."

"Of course, I will call him. He is awake. Meanwhile, you make yourself comfortable," she gestures towards the lounge.

As she leaves, I look at the USB in my hand which I am glad Mama failed to notice. Panic rises in my chest as I sit alone for a few minutes. What am I going to say to Mama and Baba? Should I come off clean and tell them everything? Maybe I shouldn't tell everything, but at least something. They are a huge part of Azar and my life, and they should know what is going on with their son.

I put my veil up, taking in huge breaths trying to calm myself down. It is okay. Just stick to the truth. You got this.

"Assalamualikum," I greet and stand the moment Baba enters.

"Walaikumusalam," he replies, waving his hand to tell me to sit down.

"I am sorry, Baba." I am trying my best not to break down, and I apologize. "I have let you both down."

"Noor and I have always respected the privacy of our children and made extra efforts to not impose our word over theirs," he begins in a calm yet tired voice. "But I have seen that this has been taken advantage of."

"I really appreciate your efforts, Baba." I gulp back my tears. "I respect you even more because your efforts seem extraordinary to me." I pause to steady my tone. "I went to the town where my real parents used to live." I expect them to react, but they don't.

"Eshaal told me that you weren't her real daughter before your marriage," Mama explains. "She told me that you are Irfan's brother's daughter, and they took you in when your parents passed away."

What? Mom and Pops knew that my parents were dead all along. Why didn't they tell me?

"I was planning to leave the city after the divorce, and I thought I should visit their house for the last time." I conceal what I felt would create an unnecessary mess.

"I know what Azar did was horrible, Abeer, the way he treated you behind our backs and having a Haram relationship before marriage, but you should have at least told us," Baba urges, and I am glad he is speaking his mind.

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