Chapter 29

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"Angel, I don't know why I need to remind you, I am as Muslim as you are."

"You mean to say you weren't with Mishal?" I ask in confusion. Why can't he just answer like a normal human being?

Azar lets out a sigh, gets up, and moves past me to the wardrobe. "I really don't care what you think, Abeer. You want to think I was with her. Think so. It doesn't matter. Your opinion doesn't matter."

He turns to look at me as if waiting to catch hurt in my eyes, but I shield them. I can be indifferent to him too. His opinion doesn't matter to me too.

"So are you saying I should just leave this as if this never happened?" I ask instead, folding my arms against my chest. "Or maybe this is your discreet way of telling me to trust you."

"Do you even know what trust is, Abeer?" The irony of the question makes me smile, and I shake my head in dismay. Little does he know how important a role this simple word has played in life, in my past.

Azar seems very baffled. For a moment I don't understand why, but then it starts piecing in together. I have never smiled in front of him before.

"Yes, Azar, I know the meaning very well." Too well actually, I add silently and start looking through my mobile to avoid Azar's eyes. "Do you know yourself?"

"Trust is not evidence; it is to believe without seeing, thinking the best of the other's action and intention. It's from the heart." His words surprise me.

How can he be so stupid and wise at the same time?

Azar takes his night clothes from the wardrobe and goes to the washroom. My mobile beeps and I see Mom's message. She's asking me whether we are coming to see off Hooriya. Guilt gnaws me from inside. How could I forget?

I type back: "When are they leaving?"

Mom replies instantly, "By 11am."

I wear my veil and scarf and head to Maliha's room to ask whether she's coming along. I knock, and she comes outside. "Assalamualikum, Abeer."

"Walaikumusalam. I hope I didn't disturb you."

"Since when did we become so formal with one another?" She asks, her brows furrowing.

I bite back my replies and get straight to the point, "I came to ask you whether Mom asked you about seeing off Hooriya and everyone else."

"Yeah, she did," Maliha affirms, gesturing me to come inside. I do so and put my veil up.

She sits on the bed, and I sit on the couch as I inquire, "So are you going? Did you ask Mama?"

Maliha looks confused for a moment, and then responds, "Yes I asked Aunty Noor."


"So... how's life?" I ask her, deciding not to avoid her.

"Alhamdulillah very good," she answers, with a twinkle in her eyes. "How are you? How is Azar?"

"Alhamdulillah," I praise, with a smile. Allah. I'm sorry. "Is Mama awake? I want to ask her when we are leaving."

"Yes, she is, and we will leave by 9:30," Maliha replies, playing with her ring.

"I heard from her you are moving out soon," I say to keep the conversation going, feeling a little awkward asking her aloud. "She was asking me to convince Azar to move out too."

"Yeah, we are planning to move out in a month In Sha Allah, Ahmed and Uncle Hussain have been talking to a real estate agent," she tells me. "I know why Azar is reluctant about moving out."

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