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THEIR STEPS echoed throughout the conference hall which was almost the size of an auditorium as the pair entered, alerting everyone of their presence.

"He's here!", a businesswoman whispered loudly to someone sitting beside her, and the large room was soon after filled with hushed whispers. There were rows and rows of chairs with employees seated on them, and a lot of them could be seen hastily putting their phones in their pockets after their boss had finally arrived.

The dual haired man straightened his suit as he stepped up to the stage area, his secretary following behind nervously, having not yet stopped her persistent habit of getting intimidated by the serious atmosphere that she always felt during meetings. He stood behind the podium, ignoring his father's pointed glare as if it was nothing new.

"Late as always, Shoto?" Enji Todoroki's deep voice cut through the heavy silence, his sharp turquoise eyes holding a menacing sense of fury that his son didn't cower under at the slightest. He was seated in the front row along with the other chairmen and executives who looked just as impatient as him, checking their expensive watches that probably costed a lifetime.

Momo could feel her nerves tensing by the second, the dark lighting in the room only adding to her intimidation. She swallowed hard, hoping to get this over with as soon as possible.

Enji didn't seem to be satisfied enough though when his son had blatantly ignored him, as made evident by when he furrowed his brows and spoke again, "You're the one who brought us to this sudden meeting and now you dare show up late again. Where have you been for the past twenty minutes, son?"

"What I have been doing should not be any of your concern, I assure you, father.", Todoroki said the word bitterly, as if the thought of the red haired man being his actual father figure brought him only disgust and nothing more. Momo suppressed a sigh beside him. They always glared at each other in every single meeting without any apparent reason. She could only wonder how his relationship with his own father got this bad.

With keen curiosity, everyone watched their boss shuffle through the small pile of papers in his hands, which he eventually stopped doing as he put the papers on the podium in front of him instead. He stood deadly still, his heterochromatic irises surveying his employees who seemed to be growing uneasy. Todoroki cleared his throat and spoke into the microphone.

"As you all know, we have been working on marketing our products further around the globe for a very long time now.", he started, his staff listening to him concentratedly, not willing to miss even a single word that came out of the dual haired man's mouth. "After gaining advice from various entrepreneurs abroad, I believe that now I have assembled the perfect plan for us to do so."

He flipped through a couple pages of the papers he had previously placed on the podium. "With these few strategies, the sales of Todoroki Corporation will skyrocket at an unimaginable pace and our company will gain recognition from all around the world."

𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬, todomomoWhere stories live. Discover now