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"I'VE BEEN faring well these days. I can get a good night's rest, and nightmares haunt me much less than they used to," A small smile crept up his face which stayed hidden behind his cup as Todoroki sipped his coffee, rather relaxed in behavior, which Midoriya instantly managed to pick up on since he used to be tense all the time.

He placed the cup back on the desk separating them, leaning back against his office chair with an air of serenity surrounding him. Midoriya's eye twitched. "You didn't bring me all the way here again just to tell me how well you're doing, did you?"

Todoroki merely blinked at him. He was clearly pretending to act clueless and that only set off the normally merciful green haired man even more.

"I don't know. I needed relationship advice again?"

"Should I even be surprised at this point...?" Midoriya felt a mild migraine forming now, massaging his fingertips against his temple. Something told him his longtime friend was just pulling excuses to see him and while a part of him was honestly content with that, he still had to be the reasonable one. "Shoto, you do know that you could meet up with me... outside of working hours, right?"

To that he raised a brow. "You're always on the job even outside of working hours, you and I both know it'd be impossible to reach you."

They both stared at each other in mutual silence for a moment. Todoroki looked all sure of himself- clearly he was quite used to always being right. It took a while for Midoriya to crack, letting out a dragged sigh of defeat. He could never have the last word with this guy, could he?

It was true, he was always spending an unhealthy amount of time on his job and although he could always make some free time for himself, his selfless nature of wanting to help others with everything in his power was something he always struggled with. And being a doctor definitely wasn't easy. He opted for shifting the topic, adjusting the reading glasses perched on his nose. "Well it is good to know you're getting the adequate amount of sleep. You were practically a walking zombie before. No matter how well you hid it, I'd always noticed."

Todoroki just nodded, his expression turned pensive for a moment at the thought. He looked back at him, finishing the last of his coffee. "It's thanks to you that I'm getting better, isn't it?"

"You can drop the pretense. I only prescribed some medication," Midoriya had a small smile on his face. "The real one who sped up your recovery is your girlfriend that you're so constantly bringing up. Miss Yaoyorozu."

The dual haired man fell silent at those words, his gaze softening. Izuku's smile only got wider.

"See, I'm right this time."

𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬, todomomoWhere stories live. Discover now