Chapter Thirty-Five

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***Nambitha Makhathini***

I haven’t seen Nkululeko since Monday, he’s been busy with school work and I miss him. He said he’ll fetch me from school today so I told my mom that I have extra lessons so we can spend some time together.
He’s a bit late, he did say that he was going to be, I’m glad he did because if he didn’t I would be sitting here like an idiot. Only after twenty minutes did he arrive. It’s Friday, I don’t know where he’s planning to take me for the day, but I’m excited to see him. We drive to Durban North and on the way I felt quite anxious because Nkosi will be there, so will Amile. I will be torn between them. But I’m here to spend time with my man, I’ve missed him.
“Is Amile home?”
“You mean the queen?” I rolled my eyes.
“She’s my friend before she is the queen.” He chuckled.
“I’m just teasing nana. She’s not home, her husband has taken her on holiday.” What?
“And she agreed?”
“Shouldn’t she?” good question, but…
“Prince Mandlenkosi?”
“Mandlenkosi is a grown man that failed to fight for his relationship. All of this could’ve been avoided had he told his brother that Amile was his girlfriend. Therefore it should not hurt him when Amile is happy with the one that did right by her, no matter how much it hurts all of us.” He makes make very valid point.
“Is she happy?”
“She looks happy. They went shopping yesterday and they were getting along.” I can’t imagine what it must be like for her to be dating such an older man.
The king is the same age as my mother. He’s really old, and my friend is forced to sleep with him, and maybe bear him children. Amile is not ready for kids, just like I am not ready to be a step mother. Yet here I am.
He parks the car and he helps me out.
“Thank you sir.” He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to his body and plants a kiss on my lips. Oh yes, I didn’t give him his greeting.
“I missed you MaXulu.” I missed him too.
We won’t be seeing much of each other for the next three to four weeks, exams will be hectic and time to socialize will lessen.
“Are you going to invite me inside?” I asked wrapping my arms around his neck. He laughed.
“Of course.” He pecked my lips once, twice, thrice, four times.
I giggled.
“Okay, let’s go.” He pulled my hand.
I just can’t wait to change out of my school uniform. He led me to his bed room and I was surprised, it was massive. What the hell!?
“Make yourself comfortable please, must I get you anything to eat?” his bed looks really comfortable! I could have a first class nap on that bed.
“Yes please.” His colour coordinating skills are amazing.
It looks nothing like the rest of the apartment, it’s decorated in different shades of dark blue and it’s aesthetic. I’m very impressed.
“Who chose the colour scheme in here?” I turned to look at him.
“I did.” He sneaked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
“Do you like it?”
“It is quite impressive.” I’m only drawn to this because I love interior decorating.
“Thank you.” He kissed my cheek, then my neck.
“Mmh Nkululeko.” His hand massaged my thigh.
I held it but not firmly. He controlled mine and lifted it up my thigh beneath my skirt. I stopped him.
“Can I change first.” He stopped kissing my neck and removed his hand from my thigh.
“Okay. Let me go get you something to eat.”
When he exits the room, I exhale deeply. Nkululeko is very sexual, he is very touchy Feely and he can never not go without putting his hands all over my body. I’m not used to this. I still get very uncomfortable, especially when he wants to touch in between my thighs. I’m getting used to him touching my bum, they say that is normal, but his hand going in between my thighs, its awkward for me.
I changed like the speed of lighting into leggings and a white button up shirt. Its quite big on me, but I love it so much. It suits me, especially with my petite body.
He came back as I was folding my uniform and stuffing it in my bag. He was carrying a tray and it had a glass and a bowl. He told me to sit on the bed and I did as instructed. He put the tray on my lap and he sat next to me.
“What are you planning on studying in university?” he asked. I could see he wanted to lay his head on my chest, but I’m eating, he unfortunately can’t.
“Interior design, I want to work at Mthiyane Construction.”
“Work? Isn’t that a Construction company?”
“It’s a multi-billion company that provides construction services, interior and renovations. Do you know the Mfusi’s?”
“Never heard of them.” He’s not joking.
“You are definitely living under a rock. It was started by Kennedy Mfusi and now it…” he shut me up by grabbing my boob in his hand and kissing my neck.
“I don’t want to talk about the history of dead people who don’t bring me any essence in life.” I let out a soft sound and I could feel him smiling.
He kissed me even more.
“Do you like that.” I nodded and tilted my head to give him more room.
He leaves my neck and comes up to my lips. I lock mine with his and as soon as the heat radiates from his body to mine, he climbs on top of me. My subconscious is telling me to push him off otherwise things will escalate, but I’m so curious, I want to see where this will lead. Not that I would let it get too far.
His hand was already cupped on my breast, but that wasn’t enough for him because his hand moved from there and travelled under my shirt to cup them, skin to palm. He kept squeezing them and little sounds of pleasure escaped my mouth. Something is happening to me.
I’m slowly losing my senses. I have my legs now wrapped around his waist and I’m pulling him down to press against me. I can feel the little guy poking me by my stomach and he keeps moving his waist. This right here is passion!
His hand goes on another journey, a journey down my stomach, to the band of my tights. He’s trying to sneak his hand in. I tighten my hold around his waist and his hand loosens against my waist. He doesn’t stop kissing me. When he thinks I’ve forgotten he slips his hand down to my palace over the material of the leggings and he starts to rub me. I shot my eyes open and stopped kissing him.
He didn’t stop, he instead went back to kissing my neck and he went down to my shirt. He started working the buttons with one hand. I wanted to stop him, this was getting very awkward for me. I didn’t know what to do with myself.
“Nkululeko.” He didn’t look at me. My boobs were now exposed to him, he succeeded in unbuttoning my shirt. He had a better view.
“Nana.” He popped one nipple in his mouth and it felt very ticklish. I giggled.
“What are you doing?” that didn’t come out as a question like I intended.
“I’m making you feel good.” His warm mouth departed from my skin. I wanted to pull him back and have him suck on it more.
“How?” he undid more of my buttons and left soft kisses on my stomach.
“Like this.” He held on to the band of my leggings.
I breathed out when he looked at me in a begging look. I know he’s not asking me for sex.
“I can’t sleep with you Nkululeko.” He kissed my belly button.
“I’m not asking you to.” I’m scared.
Men are very impatient human beings. But women, women are very curious. That is why I’m conflicted and don’t know what to do with myself this very moment.
I didn’t protest when he pulled down my leggings and exposed my palace. This is embarrassing, it’s unusual and very uncomfortable. He pulled the pants and panties all the way down to my ankles and he threw them across the room. He lifted my legs and stared at my lady part.
“Nkululeko.” I’m shaking on the inside.
He ignored me. Instead he ran his finger over my skittles and I felt a finger sliding into me. It was slippery. My eyes widened.
“Nkululeko!” I shouted.
He laughed. I tried to sit up but he pushed my chest back gently.
“Relax nana.” His face disappeared between my thighs and before I knew it, his lips were on my lips, my other lips.
I found myself wrapping my thighs around his face, locking him in from the pleasure of his tongue and the warmth of his mouth. I found myself crying out, crying out so much that the sound of my voice irritated me I had to stick my finger in between my teeth to stop it. I was caught up in a rapture and he wasn’t even giving me space to breath.
He didn’t stop pressing that pleasure button and I slowly felt my legs starting to vibrate whenever he did that.
“Let it go nana.”
I felt my blood rushing to my toes before they curled and a wave of pleasure washed over my whole body. My body convulsed. He held me tightly by the hips and he came up to my face. My eyes were tightly shut. He kissed me and I could taste the saltiness of the palace.
The disgusting things people do with their mouths, I would’ve done it long ago had I known it was this good. I didn’t hold back, I kissed him too.

***Amile Gumede***

When he said mini vacation I thought maybe he was talking about something like going to a resort here in Durban or something, I didn’t think he would literally fly me all the way to Cape Town. I’ve never been to Cape Town and being here feels like a whole different place, a whole different side of the world. Only when we were boarding the plane did I hear that we were going to Cape Town, I should’ve known as soon as he told me about a plane but I didn’t think he was serious.
It’s sunset and it looks pulchritudinous. The husband looks exhausted. He just took a shower and I’m to follow, but I’m still fixing his toiletries. I want to get the best pictures at dinner. It’s not the Dream holiday with the dream husband, but it’s a holiday nonetheless, in Cape Town, the city of the riches, I have to enjoy myself.
He thanks me like the gentleman he is for his things and I start to change so I can go shower. I find him staring at my body when I turn around. I had my back to him, so it weird to find him looking at me like that. I won’t ask though, I just clear my throat and make my way to the bathroom without saying anything.
This will probably be his moment to call MaMzobe. He never wants to call or talk to her in my presence and I think he does the same in my presence. I appreciate that, that he respects both of us, but I really don’t care. MaMzobe is like a mother to me, and although I sleep with her man, she still has his heart, and he doesn’t have another one to spare.
I hop out the shower and I’m hit by a dizzy spell. I sit on the toilet seat and try catch my breath before standing up. My legs suddenly go weak and I almost faint. I sit back down, but this time, with a loud thud on the toilet seat.
He knocks on the door.
“I’m okay Bayede.” I really am not.
I try to stand again but I find myself on the floor. I hit my elbow on the hard floor and I unintentionally scream from the excruciating pain. He opens the door with force and he rushes to me. He picks me up without asking questions and he takes me to the bed.
“MaGumede you are burning up.” I shook my head.
“I was showering with hot water.”
He touched my forehead and shook his head.
“Ayikhona. Must I take you to the hospital.” I’m seeing two of him now.
“No Bayede, I’m fine.” They both look very worried.
“Amile, follow my finger.” I blinked twice before I tried to follow his finger.
My eyes are getting heavier. He calls out to me again and again until I hear his voice fading.
I’m hearing beeping sounds. I fluttered my eyelids open and I saw him sitting next to me, his head buried in his hands. My arm is in pain. What am I doing in a hospital bed?
“Bayede.” He lifted his head and he looked at me.
“Are you okay? How are you feeling? Must I call the doctor.” He’s on his feet.
“What happened, where are we?”
“You passed out, you are at the hospital.” I tried to sit up.
“No, relax.” I’m feeling perfectly fine, it’s just my arm.
“I’m okay Bayede.”
“No MaGumede, let me go call a doctor first.” He walked out the room.
I want to call out to him, but I don’t want to disrespect him like that, you just don’t shout out at the king. Husband or not.
When he comes back, he comes back with a young doctor, looks like an intern.
“My queen, how are you feeling?” he took out his stethoscope and checked my chest. I did the stupid breathing exercises.
“I’m perfectly fine doctor.” He held up two fingers.
“How many fingers am I holding up?” This is stupid.
“Two fingers.”
“It looks like you are okay. We have taken your blood for testing, you fainted and we don’t know what the cause may be.” The husband looks very worried behind me. He steps in.
“When will the blood results be back?”
“As soon as tomorrow my king. But we will discharge her if she doesn’t faint again in the next two hours.” Two hours!? I’m here on holiday, not to spend time in a hospital.
“But I’m fine doctor.” I protested.
“Yes I am aware my queen, but I’m keeping you just for observation. When the blood results come back, then you will be in the clear.” Oh hell no, this is not what I signed up for.
The doctor walked out the room after excusing himself. The husband came to hold my hand.
“I was so worried MaGumede.” He does look worried.
“I think I’m just jet lagged. There really isn’t much to worry about, I’m  fine I promise Bayede.” He shook his head.
“We will wait for the blood results to confirm that. But we are definitely going back home.”
“No!” I unintentionally raised my voice. His eyes widened.
“But you aren’t okay.”
“I promise I’m okay Bayede, let’s wait for the results.” What’s the worst that could come out? Pregnancy?
Oh my goodness!?
“What’s wrong?” He can see the panic on my face.
“I…” the words aren’t coming out.
Maybe I’m pregnant. My period hasn’t visited me in a long time.
I haven’t even finished a month in this marriage, I can’t possibly be pregnant. That would be the devil working overtime. I’m not ready to be a mom.
I’m speechless.

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