Chapter Thirty-Seven

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***Amile Gumede***

I have hated every single study session held with Mandlenkosi because he has been unbearable to work with. It has been the longest three weeks of my life and tomorrow, I am writing my final maths paper. I'm not one to rejoice just as yet, I still have three more exams to write after that, but this is the last Maths exam.

The drunkard is not here and we haven't even started the last section I have to study. It's already midday and he's probably drunk wherever he is. I've been postponing calling Bayede to tell him what is going on in this house but now, I'm up to here with Nkosi's unruly behaviour. He's not only messing up his life, but he's also fucking with my education.

I stand up and go to the kitchen to make myself something to eat. Jama left to go write his exam. I didn't know he was also in school, I was quite shocked to find out that he was doing his final year in accountancy. He's probably smarter than I gave him credit for.

Him and Nambitha seem happy. It's all I want to see for both of them, just joy and happiness. I also haven't seen her in a while, she stopped coming to visit when exams started. Most of the time she spent here was with Jama though, not me.

I've slowly grown accustomed to the fact that I have a husband that requires attention so I got used to calling him and all those other things. MaMzobe also calls to check up on me too, and she tells me everyday that she misses me. Honestly if I had the choice, I'd rather be staying in the palace than to be here. I'm starting to hate it here, Mandlenkosi has turned it into a joint.

He walks through the door and he looks sober. He's all dressed up, a white shirt and black pants with formal shoes. He doesn't greet, he just throws his car keys on the counter and walks straight to his room, the therapy room.

"Angilalanga nawe." I say. Why isn't he greeting?

"I know that very well." Idiot.

I continue eating. My phone rings on the table and I know it's the husband. He's the only one that calls me.

"Bayede, sawbona."

"Hello MaGumede, how are you doing today?"

"I'm okay, how are you?" See, normal conversations.

"No, I'm okay. What were you writing today?"

"Nothing, I had the day off. I'm writing mathematics tomorrow."

"Have you started studying?" I looked at Nkosi's bedroom door. It's closed.

"Bhuti wasn't here so I did some revision, but He's back, maybe we will start the next section." His voice changes.

"Maybe? Where was he all this time?"

"I think he was at work." Why am I lying for him.

"No its okay MaGumede. I'll give him a call now." I wanted to protest, but I know he's going to put him in line.

"Thank you Bayede."

"I'll call you before you go to bed okay."

I said my goodbye before hanging up. I stood up to go dump my bowl in the sink and went to knock on his door. I'm not trying to provoke him, but I really need to start studying otherwise I will fail tomorrows exam.

I could hear him talking on the phone, he wasn't exactly talking, he was shouting. He sounded angry. I knocked again. After what felt like an eternity, he opened the door for me and he looked like he was fuming. Smoke was just about ready to come out of his ears.

"What do you want, you've already ran to your daddy to tell him that I don't teach you!"

"You aren't teaching me vele! I'm writing maths tomorrow, you know this. We haven't covered a whole section. How do you expect me to pass."

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