The End

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I had a good night’s sleep, that is why I have no problem waking up to go and feed Nsuke. He’s been playing on the baby monitor from 04:30 in the morning, and his feeding time is 05:30. Baba is still fast asleep. For some reason, I couldn’t sleep after I heard Nsuke wake up, but because he didn’t cry, I didn’t bother going to check on him.
I roll out of bed and go freshen up in the bathroom, preparing to go feed him. As soon as I open the door to his nursery, he’s standing in his cot jumping up and down wanting me to carry him.
“Why are you so excited in the morning boy boy.” he jumps in my arms.
I place a kiss on his forehead multiple times.
“Happy 1st birthday Mntwana.” I say and clap his little hands.
He giggles and climbs on my lap and tries to lick my face.
“Are you hungry?”
“Yes baby.” he’s grabbing my top trying to free my breast.
He finds what he’s looking for, and before I can say anything, he’s already latching onto my nipple, sucking for dear life.
My mom says he shouldn’t still be breastfeeding him, she believes I should have stopped as soon as he turned six months. I still havent been able to bring myself to do it. Nsuke loves his ncence so much, even as a child, he didn’t even want bottled milk. This is the only time where we bond, him and I. and yes I live with him twenty-four/seven, but this is how I differentiate from other people, I am his mommy.
I think mom wants him to stop so much because he’s becoming spoilt. I can’t leave the house without him crying and screaming until I come back.
He’s eating solids too, but we will always have his ncence, my big boy. He’s strong and healthy, just like his daddy. A few more months and then I will let him stop. As long as my body is pumping milk for him to suck, he will have it.
Baba suggested that we host a little party for him. I wanted to do a cake smash for him with a photo shoot, and Khaya is on it, as always. And then later, we will have an intimate thing with the boys and his other cousins. I want to make as many memories as I can for him, because he isn’t likely to remember any of these, so the pictures will serve the purpose.
He’s fast asleep in no time, and I’m also feeling just as sleeping as he is. It’s almost six, I know he’s going to wake up roughly around eight.
I put him down and quietly make my way out the room and sneak back to my own.
Baba is up, and he’s sitting on the bed going through his phone.
“I thought you ran away and left me.” he says switching his phone off.
I laugh at his silliness and take off my robe, throwing it on the couch.
“I was feeding your son, he was up at four in the morning.” he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him when I get under the covers.
“Mama, incence mama.” he says imitating his sons voice.
I chuckle and place a kiss on his cheek.
“Incence knocked him right out again, he will probably be up at eight.” I say.
He then runs his hand on my thigh before he picks me up and places me on his lap.
“That gives up enough time to give him a sibling then?” he starts planting soft kisses on my neck.
“More than enough baba.” he lifts my silk dress off in one swift move, and I’m left bare on top of him.
Still no underwear. You can’t blame me, old habits die hard.
He starts grunting when I grate my hips on his frontal.
He did suggest that we try for another baby, and I was down for it. As soon as Nsuke turned 6 months old, we were trying. Nothing has happened.
Lord knows how much I want another baby!
He starts playing with my skittles and I part my lips, trying to focus on the subtle pleasure he is providing me with just his finger. I spread my legs to grant him access to my palace and I feel him sticking in not one but two of his fingers.
My lips land on his and I start grinding on his fingers to stimulate and quicken my orgasm. I know he likes taking control, but I need this, I need it.
“Baba!” I moan out.
I could feel myself quickly reaching my climax, and he could see it on my face. That is when he flipped our bodies, and had be underneath him. He quickly removed his fingers and I felt incomplete all over again.
“You are so impatient today.” he says popping my nipple into his mouth.
He discards it sooner than later, and he starts planting wet kisses on my stomach, leaving a tingling feeling. This is not where I want to be touched.
I used my one hand to tease my skittle, and the other one gripped onto his shoulder and I started pleasuring myself.
The look he was giving me was sending me over the edge, I felt as though I would just fall apart right there.
“These hands are naughty, mmh.” he says grabbing both of them.
I almost scream at him. He tightens his hold around both my wrists and pops on finger of mine in his mouth.
“Let’s tie these up, shall we.” he says looking at my wrists.
He lifts them up above my head and uses the belt of my gown to tie me up.
I start squirming as soon as he parts my thighs and buries his head between my thighs, and starts devouring me like a meal.
“Mageba please don’t stop, it’s so good.” I cry out.
I can’t even hold him, the best I can do is close my thighs and lock him in, but he’s very good at pinching, and punishing, so I will get whatever I get.
He let’s me go all the way, and soon enough, my legs are shaking, all because of his mouth. That’s his second favorite sexual pleasure, licking my kitty kat.
He unties my wrists and turns me around. I get on my knees and he brings my hands and ties them once again, behind my back this time. I giggle when he spanks my ass not, once, not twice…
“You look so good mkami.” he brushes my mound.
My skittles is throbbing. I feel him gently separating my butt cheeks before he slips himself in and he grunts.
The sound of our skins hitting against each other drives me over the edge as our sweet moans fill the whole room. He’s pounding me mercilessly, I’m slowly losing my senses.
His hands are exploring my body, and I wish I could do the same with him, as he fills me up so good. It feels so amazing.
Before I reach my climax, he unties me once again, and has me climbing on top of him.
“You look so beautiful.” he says in one breath.
I have sweat running down my forehead, and all over my body, I’m the last thing that can be considered beautiful.
He cups my face and gives me a soft kiss, and helps me position myself on top of it.
He holds my waist and directs how I should grind on top of him, and I watch him tilt his head as pleasure consumes him.
There is a sound coming from the baby monitor.
“I think your son is awake.” I say and bite my lip as I continue moving in the same rhythm he was showing me.
“He’s a big boy…” he replies.
“Mommy and daddy are making him a sibling.” he tilts my neck and plants kisses, and starts sucking on my neck.
Nsuke is up, and he’s playing. He will be fine, I’m so close, so so close!
“Baba, I’m coming.” he grips on my ass and I quicken my pace, trying to chase my orgasm.
Finally, heaven! He fills me up and I soon rest my head on his shoulders, still shaking a little from the intense pleasure I’m feeling.
That was the best morning glory ever!
“It’s your turn to fetch your son.” I say getting off him.
I need some sleep, I’m exhausted.
“Uthi angenze njani mengabe usumuhle kanje?” he asks planting soft kisses on my neck.
He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my head. I’m battling with my earrings, because I wanted to be a bad bitch and have my nails done.
“Sina ugiye baba, I’m all yours.” he chuckles and caresses my hips.
“Do you need help with that?” I do.
I give him my earrings and he helps me put them on.
Today I look like a lady that has her life put together, I had my face beat, and I got my waist snatched, and inches installed. Today is my son’s day, I need to show up looking good.
We are wearing white, I’m in a white sundress that just looks too good on me, and he’s wearing white pants, and those white beach shirts, the first two buttons are undone. He looks so handsome, he looks younger too.
He finally had his beard trimmed, he looks like a husband I could have!
“Thank you my love.” I give him a kiss on the lips.
A knock sounds on the door, before the door opens. The first face I see is of my son.
“Mama.” he’s jumping up and down.
Mom just lets him down and he runs to me.
“Thank you mom.” I say and meet him halfway.
She excuses herself.
“Look at your tummy, is baby full?” I poke his little stomach that is poking out and he giggles.
He’s so fascinated by my face, he’s trying to pull out my eyelashes.
“Okay, go to daddy, you are going to ruin my make-up.” baba laughs.
He goes to him and starts playing with him.
“You look so handsome, and who cut your hair?”
“Dada.” he’s so hyperactive, he’s jumping all over the place.
“Really, it was me?” baba asks laughing.
“Dadada!” he blows raspberries in his face.
He’s such an amazing dad, just like I knew he would be. He does it all, he changes his nappy when I’m not around, he would stay up at night with me when he would refuse to sleep, and I wouldn’t have to stay up alone.
He has been there with him for all the doctor’s appointments, and every moment that he wasn’t feeling well. He loves his son unconditionally, and I saw him push and break limits, doing things men could never do. They have the best bond, and sometimes is get so jealous, he even looks exactly like him.
I love these two people with my whole heart.
“Let’s go, I don’t want Khaya to shout at me.” he says grabbing my hand.
“Mazima.” he starts stretching his arms to me.
He calls me mama, but he also tries to say Mamizana like the boys. His speech is slowly developing.
And guess what his first words were, Dada. These children will turn against you.
But he’s crying for me now, so I take him.
The photo shoot went well, and oh boy did he smash his cake. But it’s his father’s money, he can do whatever he wants.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday Nsuke!” his cousins sing for him.
He’s standing on top of his chair, clapping happily as if he understands what is going on. He’s such a happy baby.
It’s only Khaya here, my boys, baba, my mom and siblings, and Lerato and her boys. It’s a little intimate gathering, and that’s all we needed for a one year old.
We cut his second cake with him ask his parents and they take lots of pictures of us.
“We’d like to thank you for coming to celebrate with our prince today, we really appreciate it.” baba starts out.
“Nsukezinhle, my son, you are growing so fast, and just last year today, you were a little baby I was scared to carry. You have brought so much happiness and light into this palace. Mommy and I love you so much.” baba says talking to his son.
He’s not even paying attention, he’s grabbing everything in arms reach.
“Yes, I’m talking to you.” everyone laughs.
Trust Nsuke to do that!
The boys and my sister go running outside to go play and he wants to follow them, but I hold him, and he starts crying. Next thing, they will forget he’s a child and they will stomp all over him and hurt him.
“Baby.” I turn around and look at mama.
Nsuke is still trying to fight to get out of my grip.
“Woza kuGogo.” mom takes him from me and I get a chance to fix him his food.
“Yes mama.” I say.
“Where is Vukani?” sigh.
“He left mama.”
“And you let him?”
“What was I supposed to say? He is legal, he can do whatever he wants to do. We weren’t going to stop him ma.” she looks bothered.
Vukani was close to losing his marbles. He caused a huge scene here and almost killed me. He tried to hit me when I asked him not to go.
It was right after Banzi’s monies were released. He got his cut and he upped and left.
He’s somewhere in Durban as we speak. I don’t know if he’s with Mandlenkosi, or if he’s trying to make things for himself there because he wants nothing to do with this family. He blocked me everywhere, and he did the same with baba.
I’ve run out of options. Halle and Mgcini are also staying with us, and they are attending a school here, that’s what they wanted.
That has been the only downside of the past year, but overall, it was a great year, that had a lot of blessings.
“He knows his way back home. When he’s done being a spoilt brat, he will come back and he will find all of his family waiting for him with open arms.” I say and that seems to shut her up.
Nsuke wants to come back to me now that he can see his bowl and spoon in my hand.
“Let’s go eat khehla.” I say and take him from mom.
I’m happy here, with all that I have, as I have said, Vukani knows his way back home. He will find things the same way he left them, when he’s ready to come back home. His home.


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