Messed up feelings

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That very moment I felt my heart pounding and I couldn't seem to say anything. "Hey Alison, are you still there?" He asked. "Ummm... Yes yes... Look Josh I'll call you later. Right now I'm really tired" I said hanging up the call. I kept on thinking about Joshua all through the night before nature dawned on me.

The next day, I got a call from an unknown number

"Hello, am I speaking with miss Alison McCarthy?" The person asked. "Who's asking" I said "I am Mr Tyler Jackson's personal assistant. He said I should invite you to a dinner party at his place today by 7:00 pm. You'll be picked up by a limo" he said strictly before hanging up the call. I'm standing in my PJ trying to understand what just happened when I heard the door bell. I went and opened the door just who I wanted to see. " Jessi" I said looking happy to see her "heyy... What happened you look messed up" she said walking In and tossing her bag on the couch. "You won't believe what happened to me yesterday night" I said happily.

"What happened you finally got a man?" she asked giggling

"No!!!!" I said raising one brow up. "I was almost killed" I said with a smile on my face. Hearing this, Jessi almost choked on the water she was drinking " you were almost killed and that's a good thing?"she asked confused "no no its not like that it was a mistake. I was almost ran over by Tyler Jackson" I said "no way...." Jessi said happily "and he offered to take me home and today his PA called and said that Tyler is inviting me to his dinner party by 7:00pm today" I said "OMG this is awesome... Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Jessi asked

"Yeah Tyler wants to do a music with me" I said

"What!!!... Don't be naive, Tyler likes you" she said

"Huh??? Stop being so dramatic" I said

"Come on girl... This is 2022 which normal celebrity will want to pick just anybody to work with them on a song especially when he or she is struggling to hit the top chat" Jessi said

I just stood there trying to process everything. Then Joshua crossed my mind. "Make sure you take e as your plus one" Jessi said bringing me back to reality.

It's 7:00pm I and Jessi are already dressed and taking some slefies when we heard a car honk.

We stepped outside and a limo was just right in front of the house waiting for us.

"Wooh wooh mama likes arriving in style" Jessi said jokily while entering the car "well are you just gonna stand there? We are running late" she said to me.

then i entered. I wasn't quite sure what Tyler was trying to do.We finally arrived at the Jackson's residence the only person feeling excited was Jessi I just sat in the car nervous cos I didn't know what to expect. Then the car door was opened by one of the guard who gestured for me to go out.

We finally arrived at the Jackson's residence the only person feeling excited was Jessi I just sat in the car nervous cos I didn't know what to expect. Then the car door was opened by one of the guard who gestured for me to go out.

I and Jessi entered the house, Tyler was standing and talking with some people when he saw me and waved at me and I waved back. "Wow you came" he said walking towards I and Jessi. He wore a black suite and brown shoe. His hair well combed , his dark Green eyes were just staring directly at me and his smile was so beautiful to behold.

"You look very beautiful" he said

"Ummm thanks... You beautiful your self". I said

Then Jessi clears her throat that wasn't dry. " oh yes this is my friend Jessica... Jessi this is Tyler Jackson " I introduced.

"Nice to meet you Jessica". Tyler said politely

" oh please that's to formal just call me Jessi". She said.

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