love is beautiful

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After the long vacation I traveled back to London, to continue with my studies and finish up the project I started with Tyler.
I'm over at Tyler's studio working on the song with him, when his PA Justin brought in some flowers.

"Sir here's what you ordered" Justin said with no expression

"Oh yes thanks Justin..." Tyler said collecting the flowers

"Who sent it" I asked

"It doesn't matter, its who is gonna receive it that matters" Tyler said handing the flowers over to me

"Happy birthday Alison" Tyler said before giving a kiss on my forehead

"Wow!!! You remembered... Thank you" I said

"Why will i forget your birthday... Well later this evening I'll like to show you something". He said with a smirk on his face.

I couldn't help but smile at the way Tyler cares about me. But I'm not sure if his doing this as a friend or as someone who Love's me. Although he has been taking me out on dates, he has never said 'I love you' to me or even asked me to be his girlfriend. Maybe he needs time to think about it, but its taking forever....

Immediately after finishing the song we were doing, Tyler took me to his house to celebrate.

" wow I can't believe we are finally done with this song... Now I can focus more on other things" Tyler said while opening a bottle of Red wine and pouring it into two glasses, one for me and the other for him

"Yeah finally" I said with a sigh of relief

"Cheers to our new song... Now what we have to do is upload it and sees where it takes us." He said

Then one of the help walks in with a package.

"Sorry to disturb sir but your package has arrived." She said before dropping it on the table and walking away.

"Finally its about time..." Tyler said before handing the box to me

"Here this is for you" he said

"Me?... Umm.. Is this another birthday gift?" I said

"Well you can call it that" he said with a smile that lighten up his handsome face.

Then I opened the box to see what was in it.

"Wow... You got me a dress.... This is beautiful" I said

"Yes... You'll wear tonight. Grace!!!!" He yelled

Then a maid ran to where we were with her head bowed.

"Yes sir you called" she said

I didn't understand why all the helps were always bowing their heads when ever they are around Tyler.

"Show Alison to the guest room so that she can change." He said coldly to her.

"Okay sir...." She said

We finally got to the guest room.

"Ma'am here's the guest room" she said with her head still bowed

"Heyyy... Just Alison will do and please you can raise your head when you are around me. Sir Tyler isn't here" I said while raising her head.

"Thank you ma'am... Sorry I mean Alison. I'll leave you to dress up If you need anything, I'm just outside here" she said

"Okay... Thanks" I said warmly

I opened the box and brought out the dress,shoes and jewelries. I tried on the dress and it was my exact size. It was a brown sparkling long dinner dress that had a wide opening at the back from my neck to my waist level. I felt really uncomfortable in that dress cos it doesn't require me to wear a bra and was too open for me. Luckily I had a white scarf in my bag that I use when ever I'm feeling cold. So I just wore it round to cover the opening at the back. Although it didn't match the dress or shoe I was wear, but it made me feel less of whore.

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