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Ludwig took me to his house after i told him about the message i got from the unknown number. The next day, he hired an investigator to trace the number to its user. Turns out the number belonged to a young man called Victor. He was immediately brought in for questioning after a long week of torturing and questioning, he later confessed it was Tyler that sent him to keep and Eye on me. He also confessed to where Tyler currently resides which sent shivers down my spine for He has been in New York all this while. Ludwig decided to go confront him face to face after i got a call from him saying i should meet him alone in an uncompleted building.

"Sir you can't go with me. He said i should come alone" I said to Ludwig trying to talk him out of it.

"who said i you were coming. you are going nowhere McCarthy" he said.

I tried calling Joshua but as always his phone was not going through which made me worry a little bit. so i called his mom who told me he Came to New York for an important business. Something didn't seem right with the whole Josh coming to New York for business. Then my phone rang while i was lost in thought. it was another unknown number

"Hello..." i said frightened

"Are you tasting my patience Alison? i said come alone i don't want anybody coming in your place and especially not that idiotic brother of mine. If you aren't here before tomorrow's sun down, you can say bye bye to your precious joshy boy. do you understand me!! oh yes change of location. meet me in an old abandoned chruch I'll send you the location when you are ready" He said so fiercely over the phone before ending the call. I just Starred at the phone in complete horror That i didn't notice Ludwig descending down the stairs with Elsa.

"What's wrong it looks like you've seen a ghost" he said as he stood in front of me.

"um... nothing sir... I'm just stressed that's all." I said

"you can drop the whole formal recognitions. you can call me Ludwig." He said with a smile.

"Alison would you like to come with us to the movie premiere of Aunty Trina?" Elsa said

"umm baby I'm not dressed for the occasion and i didn't bring any of my clothes for it." i said calmly

"That's ok you can wear one of my mummy's dresses." Elsa said. I looked at Ludwig who's face seems to have turned moody hearing what his daughter said.

"No no i don't think i should. And besides i don't think it would size me." i said to her with a big smile.

"oh that's rubbish. Its your perfect size McCarthy." He said as he instructed one of his maids to get Tessa's clothes from the store.

After some minutes of testing some of her dresses i finally got one that was my perfect size. As i ascended down the stairs to where Ludwig and Elsa stood i saw their eyes widen as Ludwig walked closely to assist me down the stairs.

"you look breathe taking" He blurted after a while of Staring at me.

"Thank you Ludwig" i said with a brod smile.

"you look beautiful Alison" Elsa said as she hugs me.

We arrived at the premier Trina was on the red carpet taking pictures when she spotted us. she hurriedly walks towards us as she hugs little Elsa.

"oh my God you came Ludwig" She said. but she sounded surprised.

"well Elsa wanted to come and i can't leave her with anybody at the moment with Tyler on the loose." he said

"Thank you" Trina said as her eyes gilttered with tears.

"It doesn't change anything" Ludwig said coldly. Seems they have a Rocky relationship.

Then we entered into the arena where the program was held. i felt a bit restless because of what Tyler said. That night, Trina collected 4 awards for best movie actor and director. Well Ludwig on the other hand, wasn't that impressed with her accomplishments but each time she goes on stage to collect her awards, she would always thank her brother. well i was already too occupied with Tyler that i didn't have the strength or time to ask what was going on between them.

After the event we all went back home. I was over at Ludwig's house after the incident with Victor. That night, David gave me a call telling me he was going to Spain to go see his dad. Turns out his father is trying to be a good dad towards his son and he was sorry for everything he did to him . His dad sent one of his art work to an owner of one of the biggest museum in Spain and they appreciated it and wanted to meet him in person.

The next day, I, Ludwig and the investigator were sitted in Ludwig's study discussing about the case at hand.

"It's best if Alison goes by herself Mr Williams" investigator Charles said

"Are you insane? do you know who Tyler is? Heaven knows what he would do to her if he sees her. I'm going and that's final." Ludwig said

"no i don't mean like that. He wants Alison so we give him  Alison. But then the police will be on standby incase anything funny is to happen" Charles said.

"Yes that's much better. you can't risk your life or even Elsa's life all because of me." I said.

"hmm... try and be safe" Ludwig said

"Okay that means tomorrow we move." Charles said.

I really didn't want anybody getting hurt because of me and i didn't want to risk Joshua's life either. so i didn't tell Charles nor Ludwig the plan i had to face Tyler today. I went to Elsa's room to have a little chat with her before i leave. After that, i bumped into Trina on my way out of the house who seemed a little be unhappy.

"what's wrong Trina" i asked

"why so you can laugh at me? Get the fuck out of my face" Trina said rudely

"what? sorry i bothered. I have a lot to think of" i said about to take me leave

"wait... I'm sorry. i didn't mean that."she said as she sits on the stairs in front of the house.

"how do you do it.." she asked

"do.. do what" i asked confused

"The whole coming into a person's life and owning an important place in their heart." Trina said.

"what do you mean I'm confused." i said

"ha ha ha" she laugh sarcastically

"You have a jealous ex boyfriend who would go to any length to have  you back and on the other hand, you have my brother attending to your every need. i see the way he looks at you." She said. It was funny to me the way she sees everything that's been going on.

"hold up... first of all Tyler wants revenge and you know it. and secondly, Ludwig is my boss and we just share a professional relationship that's all." i clarified

"Are you that blind? If Tyler wanted revenge you would have been dead by now  or worst living your last days in a mental home. he is just obsessed over you. And about Ludwig ever since Tessa died i haven't seen him care or look at any other woman the way he looks at you. my brother loves you girl. I just wish i listened to him." she said

i just sat there thinking and trying to figure out what she meant by that. But decided to shake it off.

"what... happened between you two" i asked

"i did a lot of stupid things in life. I don't think I'm deserving of a second chance." she said

"Don't say that everyone deserves a second chance Trina" i said.

After the chat i left the mansion. i called Tyler to know exactly where the chruch is which he directed me to. Minutes later, i arrived at the place it was almost dark and very quiet. I got the front door of the church as i slowly but surely opened it the cricking sound it made shows that not a lot of people comes to worship there. As i entered into the church, my eyes widened as my heart repeatedly beats against my chest tears ran down my eyes as i saw Joshua tired to a chair with a cloth tired to his mouth as he mumbles words i couldn't understand. I quickly ran towards his direction to loose him when suddenly everywhere went pitch black. 

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