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I opened my eyes as i try adjusting to my current environment, then i felt a sharp pain in my head as i hissed in pain seems to me i was knocked out pretty hard then i remembered Joshua i quickly jumped out of the bed i was laying on as i immediately head for the door, unfortunately for me it was locked. I started acting on my intrusive thought as i began banging on the door repeatedly till my hands got sore i sat down of the floor of the room crying my heart out. Minutes later, The door opens as Tyler walks in with a box as he placed it on the table. My whole body froze in fear.

"Get dressed" He said coldly

"where is Joshua you bastard!!!" i yelled. He gave a wicked smirk as he said 'get dressed' again before leaving.

I screamed in frustration as i laid on the floor in depression. Moments later i got up from the floor determined to get out of the room and save Joshua. Then i opened the box on the table. I was shocked to see a wedding dress inside it ignoring it, i found a way out of the room and into the church's yard when suddenly some group of guys held me as they took me back to the chruch forcefully. Then i saw Joshua still sitted on the alter of the church still tied up as usual but this time there were wires attached to his body as he looked weak. I rushed to him to help him as i removed the cloth used to tie his mouth.

"y... you... have to leave now..." Joshua said barely.

"no i can't leave you here. Don't worry you are safe now" I said trying to stay positive as i try untying him. Suddenly Tyler said from the top floor of the chruch.

"I won't do that if i were you love"

"Please let him go... He hasn't done anything wrong to you" I cried.

"you haven't even gotten dressed!" He said totally ignoring my plee

"i won't wear that nonsense" I said angrily

"your choice love" he said 

Then Tyler pressed a controller on his hand which made Joshua shake vigorously. I screamed and begged for him to stop.

"The more you prove stubborn the more he will be electrocuted" Tyler said.

"why... why are you doing this" I cried.

"Cause you belong to only me Alison. Now go get dressed" He said.

I slowly but surely went back into the room as i cried my heart out . After some minutes of crying, i figured crying won't solve anything so i decided to do what he said. I picked up the gown from the floor as i emotionlessly wore it. I look through the window as i saw the full moon and the owls hooting so i  prayed to God that someone found us.
I walked out of the room without a smile as  i head towards the main chruch where Joshua was. Tyler was already standing in his suite waiting for me with a smile on his face. At that point i really wished i could slap that smile off his stupid face.

"you look beautiful my love" Tyler said

I couldn't hold my tears in anymore as i looked at the condition Joshua was in.

"why are you doing this" I asked Tyler with my eyes still fixed on my beloved Joshua

"its because i love you" He said

"This is not love Tyler! I don't love you anymore!" I said

Then he yelled loudly like mad man.

"she doesn't mean that! she doesn't mean that!" He said to himself repeatedly like a psychopath. Then he snapped out of it as he looked at me and smiled. I was frightened and angry at the same time.

"pl...please let her go Tyler..." Joshua begged

"Never! she's everything i want. And now you'll witness our love as i finally tie the knot with her. You should be happy for us" He said before giving a psychotic laugh.

"Hey! you get the rings" Tyler said to one of his men. Moment later, the man came back with the rings.

"i won't marry you!!" i said to him as i Starred deadly into his eyes.

Immediately he pressed the button on his hand as he Electrocuted Joshua. I shouted at the top of my lungs for him to stop which he did.

"stop making do this. Now love give me your finger"He said. I gave it to him as he puts the ring on my finger. Suddenly the door of the church flew open as some police men alongside Ludwig walked slowly to us. Boy was i happy to see them.

"your hands on your head Mr Jackson!!" one of the police men yelled.

"Take them out!" Tyler said to his men as three of them brought out their gun and they all engaged in a shoot out. I used the opportunity to untie Joshua but unfortunately Tyler grabbed me by my hand as he drags me away from the chruch. i noticed Ludwig chasing after us.

We got to an empty part of the church as Ludwig said to Tyler.

"It over brother! Let her go"

"Never she's mine!! And stop calling me that you bastard!" Then he brought out a gun as he pointed it at Ludwig and immediately pulled the trigger on him as the bullet went flying into his chest. I screamed at the top of my voice as i struggled my way out of his grip. I ran to Ludwig who was now on the ground.

"He deserved it love now lets go" He said to me

"Don't! don't call me that you monster!! i hate you!!"I yelled. Then Suddenly Tyler was knocked out by Joshua who seemed to have found his way here. Then Ludwig woke up it appears he had a bullet proof on.

"you need to get out of here both you!"Joshua said

"what? we can't leave you here"i said

"yeah man" Ludwig said

"yes you can. Tyler installed a boom on my leg yesterday. Now its activated you have to leave now!"He said

"No no no... there's a way to stop it wh... where is the controller." I said nervously as i searched Tyler's body for it.

"There is no way Alison!! Please go! and remember i always loved and i will keep loving till my last breath"Joshua said as he kissed me so dearly.

"Take her far away from here and keep her safe. promise me!"Joshua said to Ludwig

"I promise" Ludwig said.

"Jo... Josh... no.."I said as Ludwig carried me away. Then Suddenly Tyler woke up from the hit as he wanted to run after us but Joshua held him down as they both engaged in a fight.

Ludwig and i were out of the chruch when it exploded. I began remembering the good times i and Joshua shared as i cried out loud.

5 years later, I got married to Ludwig. On our wedding night, I got a message from an unknown number saying 'I AM BACK LOVE'.


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