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I slowly picked the phone call.

"Hello..." I said

"Is Elsa back from school?" Ludwig said

"Yes sir..." I exhaled in relief. For a moment I thought it was Tyler.

"Is everything fine?" Ludwig asked

"Yes sir... Everything is OK. Miss Trina was here some minutes ago,she came looking for you" I said

"Did she say what she wanted?" Ludwig asked

"No sir" I said

"Okay, I'm on my way back" Ludwig said before hanging up the phone call.

The next day, Ludwig was working in his home office when I came knocking on the door.

"Come in" he said

"Good day sir" I said

"What do you want" he asked rudely which made me frown my face towards him.

"Sir, your meeting with Mr Fernando is in an hour." I said as I dropped a file on the table. Ludwig didn't seem interested in it because he was just staring into his system ever since I came in through the door.

"Cancel it" he said with his eyes still fixed on his screen

"But sir,... You told me to postpone the meeting last week and now you want me to cancel it?" I said

"Yes, Alison cancel it." He said

I just rolled my eyes and then mockingly whispered his exact words

"Yes, Alison cancel it" 

"I saw that" he said as he raised his head and looked at me.

"Sir... I'm... So sorry I didn't mean..." I

"Just leave" he said coldly.

Later that day, I tried calling Joshua but his phone wasn't going through so I called David

"Heyy David" I said when he picked up the call

"Yo Ally how are you" he said

"I'm good. Um do you know where Joshua is?" I said

"Oh I see, you called to check up on you baby...what about me am I a spoon? " David said jokingly

"No you are not" I laughed

"Well as for Josh... I don't really know where he is. He has been working a lot lately seems like his planning on moving though" David said

"Moving? To where" I asked

"I don't really know. The last time we spoke to each other, he said he was offered a job in LA and It pays well." David said

"Hold up... LA? Why didn't he tell me!" I said pissed.

"He didn't inform you? Wow... That's messed up man" David said

"You know what, I don't give a shit..." I said

"Yo... Take it easy. Maybe he wants to surprise you with it. Or he is not taking the offer" David said.

"Whatever" I said

"How's work" David asked

"Work is fine, I'm just stressed" I said

"Josh told me that you accepted the job as a personal assistant" he said

"Yes..." I said

"Yo... Why the hell will you accept something like that... You are a graduate. Hold up, who are you working for" he said

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