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Its a Saturday morning, I was still in bed when my phone rang. I was so lazy to pick up the call, so I just ignored it. It kept on ring and ring which made it more impossible to go back to sleep. So I just grab the phone to see who could possibly be calling by this time of the day. My face lit up with a tiny smile when I saw it was Tyler so I quickly answered.

"Heyyyy.... Good morning" I said with a sleepy voice

"Hi babe... You're still in bed?" He asked

"Yes I am. And I've told you not to call me babe" I said

"Why not" he said

"Because.... We aren't dating" i said

"Hmmm so If i become my boyfriend you'd let me call you that?" He said

"Yes..." I said while biting my lower lip

"But I thought we are already dating" he said

"Well yes... But you haven't officially asked me to be your girlfriend" I said

"Wow... Well that's true though...um so would you like to be my girlfriend?" he asked

At that very moment I froze up I was still trying to get my head wrapped up on what I just heard... I could hear my heart beating fast that I didn't realize I haven't given an answer to the question.

"Hello are you still there?" Tyler asked

"Huh? Yes yes I'm still here... And yes I'd love to be your girlfriend" I said with so much excitement

"Okay then, I'll talk to you later" he said before hanging up the call

"Did this just happen? Am I now officially in a relationship with The Tyler Jackson? Oh my God!!!!!!!" I said with a loud voice which made Jessi run into the room looking worried

"What happened" she said breathing heavily

"You won't believe what just happened" I said jumping down from the bed and holding her hands

"What happened" she asked with so much anticipation

"Tyler and I are finally in a relationship" I said with a high pitched voice

"No wayyyyy..... Are you for real? OMG this is awesome!!!!!!!" She screamed and jumped

Later that afternoon after classes I and Jessi decided to eat out because we were too lazy to cook.

"Hm I haven't seen Zany since after the party is he alright?" I asked

"Forget him...let's focus on you are Tyler" she said trying to change the topic

"What happened... You two got into another argument?" I asked

"Arrg!! We are no longer together... We broke up" she said

"What!!! What happened" I asked

"Well... We argue  and fight a lot and its not just good for my mental health so I decided to end it. Although Zany is my best friend, he is also too violent to handle a lady" she said before proceeding to finishing her food

"Wow... Well I hope you are ok" I said holding her hands

"Yes I am kinda" she said trying to put up a smiling face

While we continued with our food, I got a phone call from Tyler.

"Hi babe..." He said

"Heyyyy" I said with a smile

"Where are you. I went over to your place but you weren't around" he said sounding worried

"Oh um I and Jessi decided to eat out" I said with a tiny laugh

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