The arrival

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A day after the incident with Zany, Hardin and I took it upon ourselves to keep Jessi safe and far away from Zany.
I was at home when Tyler called to tell me that the song we've been working on for months has been released. I was so excited that I ran over to his house to celebrate with him.

"Wow!!!! I'm so excited" I yelled while jumping

"I'm sure you are..." Tyler said with a quick laugh

"I'm so happy!!" I said before hugging him.

"Thank you" Tyler said warmly, I just smiled at his words

"So what's next" I asked before releasing myself from his hug

"Um we wait. Its either the music is success or a failure." He said

"Oh" I said calmly

"Anyway now that's over with, I want to spend some quality time with my girlfriend" Tyler said while smiling at me. I immediately felt a blush burning through my cheeks.

"Awn that's cute. But I have  something to do" I said

"Oh aren't going anywhere" he said before kissing me on my lips

"Oh stop it Tyler someone might be watching" I said looking around

"No one is here babe its just us" he said

"But..." I couldn't my sentence because a lady walked in.

"Hello Tyler" she said with a smirk on her face.

"Trina" Tyler said looking very surprised to see her.

Trina is faired skinned, a 7 feet tall young lady, with a brunette curly hair which brought out her beautiful black eyes.

"Hmmm  seems like someone missed me" she said walking towards us

"You are back?" He said

"Honey, who's she?" I asked confused

"Oh I see you've gotten yourself another play toy" she said. Looking at me with a pathetic look

"Excuse me?" I said with an upset look

"Hey... Babe let is go" Tyler said

"Why the hell did you come back here" Tyler said angrily

"Oh Tyler baby... I came back for you" she said with a husky voice

Honestly I really wanted to punch that lady right on her nose. First, for barging in unannounced and secondly for calling my boyfriend baby.

"Oh... Who am I kidding, I came back clearly for business. Well, I'm working on a movie and I need someone who is experienced, hardworking and obligated. Someone who's willing to put his heart into it and I've searched everywhere but found no one." She said while walking around

"What are you getting at" Tyler said

"Well... I figured that you are the right person for the job. I saw the new song you released some hours ago and it sounds great, you are gradually getting back on your feet which is  a great thing. Don't you want to feel or have what you had 8 years ago? Remember how you were the talk of the town both in the music industry and the movie industry." Trina said

"Look Trina I don't know what you are trying to do right now, but I don't have time for any of your games. So I'm politely asking you to leave my house. Oh yeah and I'm not interested in your offer" Tyler said to her

"I was afraid you'd say that, Look I'll give you time to think about it. And once  you've come to a decision give me a call. I believe you still have my number" she said with a wink

"Okay... I'll take my leave now" Trina said before leaving the house

"That bitch!!!!!" Tyler yelled

"Hey... Honey what's the problem. Who's she" I asked

"She use to be my manager... Well I'm glad she's gone now that means we can get back to what we were doing" Tyler said

"Hold on..." I couldn't finish my sentence cause I was interrupted by Tyler

"Please babe can we not talk about her now please. I just want to spend some alone time with you" Tyler said.

A week later, I was sited on my study desk studying when Jessi ran into the room with an exciting news.

"Alison!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled

"What happened why are you shouting" I asked worried

"Oh my God Alison, guess what" Jessi said

"What!! Stop keeping me in  suspense" I said looking very worried

"You an Tyler are number one on the billboard every fucking person out there are talking about your new song. when last did you go online you are a celebrity now" she said

"Are you sure of what you are saying?" I asked anxiously

"Yes I'm sure. Here, this is the music Tyler posted a week ago and it already has 29million plays on Spotify" Jessi said while showing me the trends on her phone.

"Oh my God!!! This is huge!!! Oh my!! I have to give Tyler a call" I said happily

I picked up my phone and called Tyler.

"Hi baby have you seen the trends?" I asked

"Yes!! I have I'm so happy right now. Congratulations" he said

"Yes, congratulations to us" I said to him

"Look babe I'll call you later I'm getting another call. Bye I love you, I'll pick you up for some celebration" Tyler said before hanging up.

"Man this is big... We have to celebrate" Jessi said

Through out the week I and Tyler were invited to a lot of interviews. My face was all over London. I got phone calls from home, my family  and friends congratulated me on a wonderful success.

I went over to Tyler's house one day and I saw him talking with Justin well he looked so worried.

"Honey is everything ok?" I asked while sitting close to him

"Yeah everything is fine" he said worriedly

"Don't lie to me did something happen?" I asked

"Well its about Trina's offer. I want it so bad but..." He said

"But we don't know if it will turn out good or not" Justin interrupted

"Well you Haven't tried yet to know if it will work out or not. I think you should accept the offer it will be good for your career." I said

"But ma'am this is a big risk" Justin said

"Well Alison is right... We have to try first. Give Trina a call and tell her I accept her offer" Tyler said

"Okay sir" Justin said

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